[hr][hr][center][h3][b][/b][/h3] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/392257844256440322/705224836376690748/bBMCHt8.png[/img][hr][hr] [b][color=6699FF]Location:[/color][/b] Dumbledoors office [b][color=6699FF]Magic:[/color][/b][/center][hr] Apollo fought the urge to bury his face into his palm in embarrassment. He'd need to tell Fae that his cat, and this society, were both named after a great wizard and magizoolagist. Though it appeared that he didnt have to as Dumbledore explained it to her and added how he may invite [i]his old friend[/i] to lecture one day. Apollo was practically beaming from ear to ear as his cheeks began to become a bit rosie. He would love to meet him one day, it was by far his favorite author who seemed to pour a lot of heart into his book. There was a slight smirk to him as the Headmaster seemed to pull them along by a string with his will he wont hes. Suddenly there was a brilliant burst emanating from Fawkes as the bird burst into flames and then turned into ashes for it to be reborn again. This seemed to mark the end of the meeting as they were all dismissed, Atrie being asked to stay behind while the others made their way out. Apollo had remained in his seat, waiting for all the others to leave before speaking up. [Color=6699FF]Apologies Headmaster. I know you wished to speak to my brother in private, but before I leave you two to do so I was hoping to catch you. It appears I was involved in an incident within the train, a memory that has since been removed by a charm and given safe keeping to my brother. I wanted someone I can trust to view it. Someone like you...if you have the time I would greatly appreciate it."[/color] Apollo wrung the tweed on his pants in nervousness at what the Headmaster might say to him. This was a matter Apollo viewed as urgent, otherwise he never would've asked to have his memory tampered with.