Nestor gives a stunned grunt as Veti appears unannounced from behind the Anubi's looming skull; he throws his hands up in surprise from whatever he had been in the midst of doing, right darting instinctively to his sword... and then she is upon him, wrapping her arms around and careening over the edge without so much as a word. He appears to calm nearly instantly, realising who his new 'attacker' happens to be, and squirming restlessly about in her grip he attempts to reposition his wounded shoulder, wincing notably when their combined weight crashes to the hard stone floor below. (A fall from a hundred feet -is- a fall from a hundred feet, after all, whether cushioned by near thirty stone of werewolf flesh or no) The Demonspawn stifles a cry as Veti finally releases him, rolling and jostling to an eventual stop on his side, one hand splayed against the ground, the other clasping something to his chest. Offering a quirk of the lips caught halfway between a smile and a snarl, he gasps out: “You might have warned me, Wolf Girl! My thanks all the same...” With that he collapses onto his back, winces – immediately regrets the motion – drawing his right shoulder up a few inches from touching the floor before adding: “And at least I still have -this-” Raising fist from his chest, he gleefully spreads his fingers – the metallic shine of a what appears to be a small detonator resting in the midst of his palm. A laugh follows – then coughing, wheezing, the dragging in of a breath and then laughing again – he staggers to his feet, turns and begins lurching away from the enraged behemoth even as he jams a thumb down against the top of the device. The crackling burst of a sudden explosion momentarily cuts out the sounds of the surrounding mayhem; Nestor does not even bother to turn and see if his parting gift made so much as a dent – rather, just smiles broadly at Veti through the telltale shower of rocks and broken bits of rubble as they come showering down from all about, then calls out in a choking rasp, even as he turns to begin a mad dash toward the Golem – and, ultimately – the door: “She was last near Adam, was she not?