[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/zAxsMGx.png[/img][/center] [hr] “If you don’t believe me, you don’t believe me,” Maya just shrugged at Taylor. She was [i]pretty[/i] sure when Phillis had said to call her it was more like a booty call kinda thing than to prove a point and boost Maya’s ego. Also, not on the same day. She wasn’t going to turn around and backtrack from what she’d said either… which was entirely the truth. [quote=Taylor]"I was joking, sugar." [/quote] Her lips turned downwards at that, away from a relaxed smirk and much closer to her normal resting bitch face. Of course she’d known that Taylor was joking… but it was actually a good idea, to her. Dinner sounded like a fucking bore. “I’d much rather go to a strip club,” she muttered, folding her arms and leaning back where she was sitting. She could understand why everyone else would be reluctant but it didn’t mean she was happy about it. She tilted her head slightly as Emily talked, highkey creeped out by how different she was being to normal. Sure she hadn’t considered it… but why would she when Emily was always being a bitch? She shook her head. Whatever. It was her choice to try so hard to do something for someone else, which just seemed ridiculous to Maya. [quote=Emily]"Given that you're all laughing and playing it off as some kind of joke and bragging about it." [/quote] Maya bit her lip to resist making a snide retort - there was something just not fun about kicking someone that was already down (or seemed it). Also, for once she didn’t want to go even further down in everyone’s estimations. Instead she just met Emily’s gaze with a narrowed one of her own, eyebrow raised. Yeah, this was fucking weird. She almost preferred the normal Emily. [i]Almost.[/i] “I’ll pass on dinner,” Maya put her hands up in a half shrug. “If anyone’s up for drinks or going somewhere actually fun, I’d much rather that.” Otherwise, she’d probably just go home. She’d never enjoyed sitting in stuffy restaurants forced to just talk to people… they already did it enough. And she couldn’t just lose it in a place like that. Well she could, but it was generally better not to. Either way it just didn’t appeal. She’d much rather go to a place were she could drink and make dumb decisions with alcohol as an excuse. If nobody else wanted to that was their loss - she could just go alone, anyway.