[center][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/KNueJNm.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/CYuVMhd.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/X7zKc5z.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/9JVtW3z.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/ylHPwMt.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/SKlMCUQ.png[/img][hr][hr][/center] [quote=Isla][color=f26522]“How’re we even gonna find out whose it is, nevermind find ‘em? That doesn’t sound easy at all. If that’s even what’s going on.”[/color][/quote] "I think..." Zoey trailed off as she finally composed herself, putting her hands on her knees. "... We're getting ahead of ourselves." It was simple and to the point, they were throwing around all these [i]fuckin'[/i] theories about the place yet they never tried to escape. It seemed more logical to her than going through these mental gymnastics then finding a way out. "Like fuuuuck," Zoey groaned, "How about we fucking try, I don't know, leaving?" Zoey grumbled as she crossed her arms. She laid down on her back and stared up at the white ceiling and her mind started drifting. She wasn't sure if she was going to wake up if she went back to sleep. Given how fucking weird shit got when she fell asleep, she could probably end up in a new place. And honestly, at this point, she didn't even care if she never woke back up. Zoey sighed as she just wanted some sleep. "We're fucking tired," Zoey said. "Let's find a place to get some rest and then we'll pick a direction tomorrow, 'kay?" She started. "... I really am [i]not[/i] looking forward to sleep," Hagan said as he bit his fingers and remembered some of the bad things that happened when he fell asleep. "I don't need to sleep," Odessa started with a comforting half-smile on her face, "So I'll keep watch." "... Don't like the sound of that, spooky" Zoey muttered to herself as she sighed. She honestly didn't have the energy to protest, but she, really, just wanted some rest after everything that happened. "Honestly... I'm gonna go nighty night, good night, fam." And afterward, Zoey closed her eyes and kinda dozed off pretty quickly. "Jesus, Zoey," Hagan hissed as he crossed his arms. "I'm going to keep watch." Odessa nodded her head as she went out front, she would do better from up here and... she was not going to carry Zoey somewhere else. She needed to replenish her dwindling energy and get some water, too. Later, however. She merely found herself at the foot of the stairs and merely sat down. Patiently waiting, like a stone in a river, for the time to come for them to get moving... [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/V9vdZtD.png[/img][/center][hr] Hagan was rested against the wall for what seemed to be hours... he was trying not to fall asleep while on guard with the others but he found it hard. Eventually, he gave in and his eyes closed. He dozed off as he fell into the same usual pattern of dreaming. If one saw him, they would notice the twitching and sweating. [quote][i]It was the same kind of dreams as usual... it was a barren, red place. Well, not quite barren, he saw miles and miles of tall grass that were cast red due to the orange light in the sky. That light... it was nothing normal. It was unnatural, the most unnatural thing that Hagan had ever seen, like the antithesis of all things good in the world. Just right there in the sky. He sighed as he looked around... then he felt it. It grasps on him yet again as it wrapped itself around each of his digits and limbs as it brought him to his knees as he thrashed. Desperately trying to break free. Hagan looked and saw the glowing orange tendrils that were thorny, sharp, and hiding a black mass underneath it. They restrained him to the ground as a figure walked up, wearing a white robe with golden accents on it,. Various fancy symbols that he couldn't bother to look at, nonetheless, notice. "Hagan Rosefey... no matter where you run..." The figure in the robe spoke, their voice a mixture of a young boy and girl's voice. "... I'll be there to catch you." The figure raised their hand as a tendril wrapped around Hagan's neck. "So why fight? I'll [i]always[/i] be apart of you." And with a snap of their fingers, Hagan's neck was slashed open and his head fell off...[/i][/quote] Hagan awoke, yelling loudly... his entire fucking outfit was drenched with sweat or something. Same as every other night. He was taking in deep breaths as he grabbed onto his neck... thank God, it was still attached to his head! He was still recovering from the shock. "Yo, Hagan!" Zoey shouted over him as she looked at him, "Are you okay?" "Y-yeah," Hagan tried to play it off, "I'm fine." "... Because you just woke everyone up."