Though he'd originally come with Shuyi, Lucifer had gotten a bit distracted along the way by a vender selling some BEAUTIFUL swords. He just had to stop and look at them! Admittedly he'd stayed a bit longer than he'd meant to. Hopefully Shuyi wouldn't be upset with him for being so late so soon after they'd just contracted. He doubted she would. After all, she seemed so nice. New sword in hand, he rushed into the guild hall and arrived in the middle of Argo's introduction. A quick glance around the room brought his attention to Shuyi, and he smiled and gave her a wave before heading over to her side. "Hi!" he greeted somewhat quietly, not wanting to interrupt Argo, "Sorry I took so long to catch up. Look at this sword! Isn't it beautiful?...So we're doing introductions right now?" He supposed he should introduce himself as well, so after Argo finished, he nodded in greeting to everyone and spoke up, "..Hi, I'm Lucifer. Some of you may have heard that name before. Other spirits here almost definitely have. I'm aware of the reputation I hold, and I swear I'm not like the rumors say...Anyways, I'm contracted with Shuyi and a fire spirit. I'm also fairly skilled with sword fighting. I don't pretend to be an expert at it though. I can even cook a bit, using my magic...It's nice to meet you all." With that, he sat down next to Shuyi and reached out to pet the cat, "Aww, what a cute cat!"