[hider=Federal Republic of Ustra - Mega-WIP. This is just a Empty Sheet for now] [color=2e3192][h1][center]Federal Republic of Ustra[/center][/h1] [/color][center][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/starfarergame/images/2/25/Persean_league-0.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/220?cb=20171128113534[/img][/center] [center][i]“Government of the people, by the people, for the people,”[/i] by John B. Maple, repeating the ancient words stated by Abraham Lincoln, shortly before shot dead by Ustra agents for worker’s activism.[/center] [center][h2]Current Position[/h2][/center] The Federal Republic of Ustra, better known simply as Ustra, is a liberal democracy and federal constitutional republic on its surface. Its origins stem from the death of Jarus Augustus IV and then the fall of the Terran Empire, giving rise to liberal revolutionary factions on Uranus and its moons. Since then, the newly declared Federal Republic of Ustra has defended its existence from various outside forces. To the foreigner, Ustra appears to be a thriving and rapidly growing nation-state with a very strong economy and military to boot. This is the land of opportunities and freedom to pursue your greatest dreams. Work hard and you’ll make it someday, the Ustraian Dream. While very shiny and polished on the outside, Ustra is far from that. The average Ustra citizen lives in a dystopia, not one from the likes of Orwell 1984 and elsewise, but a boring reality of an uncaring state that peddles itself as a moral high-ground of great ideals, before stripping its citizens of basic human rights, liberties, and the right to a decent life, for the unwashed masses of billions. The multiple parties that exist are nothing but puppets to corporations, with every party only different in terms of name and branding of its image. What party that remains true to their message, ideology, dignity are rare and are out outclassed in resources and funding provided by the massive private sector that has no interest in upsetting the status-quo. The corporations have no limit in their question for power and growth, doing anything in their reach to ensure high growth numbers. The federal government has a stable and loving relationship with the various big-name corporations, giving heavy benefits and turning a bilnd eye to civil rights violations for the free market. [center][h2]Government[/h2][/center] The federal government of Ustra is the national government for the Republic of Ustra, a federal republic that composes more than 160 states/districts. The original federal bureaucracy has long since greatly expanded over the many years that it has been in power since its conception. Today, the federal government is still composed of the three branches, Congress, Executive, and Supreme Court, and their functions to the Ustra and its people still remain the same as always. The states that make up the Federal Republic of Ustra have their powers greatly diminished and more powers given to the federal bureaucracy in order to manage the growing nature of Ustra. The role of the federal government has expanded to its greatest extent then it had ever before in Ustran history. The federal government has its toes in major sectors like education, health, police, and likewise. That is not to say that the states have lost power, but it shares power with the federal government being the most dominant in the power relationship. Sadly, the federal government is not in its prime. Political gridlock has its hands gripped around the nation. No party can truly operate the government without meeting heavy resistance by another party, and or interest group. Given the role of the federal government, any party that wishes to make change and insert their political goals will have to control the branches of the central government. This has turned into a dirty cut-throat environment with Congresspeople, senators, mayors, and whatnot, trying to undermine each other for their party or own goals in mind. The hyperpluralism of different flavors of capitalism (liberal, neo-liberal, conservative, etc) in the Ustran government has harmed the federal capacity to make critical decisions in halls of government. What is worse is the lack of staff and experienced bureaucrats are slowing down the federal capacity to manage its ever growing nation due to the shifting of staff to the military industrial complex. On the surface, the parties appear to be fighting for their own ideals and political goals of their own ideology. In truth, all things matter not. For everyone in the halls of the Ustran government understands that without the support and interest of the mega-corporations, no-one is able to rule the central government. Why not? Well, good question. The various mega-corporations that exist can make any president and party's ruling a living hell, if the ruling party and their president do not agree with the mega-corporations. For the Ustran mega-corporations, they have not needed to do such things as each sitting president has always loved the company of corporations at their call. Any kind of reform passed, which may or may not improve the actual standing of living for the workers, is a cover-up. A band-aid for a gunshot wound for the systematic issue of capitalism and the federal system - where any parties that rules does not actually care for fighting for their own ideals, but to keep power and luxury to the elites and give little to nothing to the masses that need it. The military industrial complex had also played a role in the staggering capacity of the bureaucracy. This powerful interest group, which has always been a major compact to the Ustran political system, has been expanding at the expense of other departments and bureaus. No one is able to challenge the political giant that is the military industrial complex due to the likely immediate loss of jobs and economic downturn that would follow, no matter the long-term thinking. If not that then the powerful connections and lobby that the military industrial complex will be able to wield can quickly drain the will of anyone or group in a long battle of political attrition. As a result, The largest defense contractors are able to easily convince Congress to give more resources and funding to new arms programs and build-up of ever more arms stockpiles. Meanwhile, departments like the Department of Human and Health Services, have been understaffed, underfunded, and given not a lot of resources to properly manage and run the "universal" health care program. The extreme maldistribution between the various departments, agencies, and bureaus, have caused troubles in the general population. Wealth inequality and poverty are present issues in the streets of major cities. Various corporations do not like to raise its benefits or wages, and the majority of Congress cannot give a single fuck about the lower classes that they are to represent, arguing among themselves at the illusion of reform and change, unable to understand the true issues that plague their nation. Even if they wanted to force their hand onto those corporations, the hyperpluralist and gridlock nature of the system will not allow so. The executive branch is no better as any new resources or funding is given to the military industrial complex, and scraps are left to be given to the other departments and bureaus. Thus, the departments that serve the people cannot give and treat everyone because they do not have the capacity to do so, and they are alright stretched so thin in staff and resources. [h2]Economy[/h2] [h2]Military[/h2] [h2]Demographics and Population[/h2] [/hider]