[hr][hr][center][h3][color=cc33ff][b]Guin Stark[/b][/color][/h3][img]https://i.imgur.com/R0DGpSD.png?1[/img][hr][hr][b][color=cc33ff]Location:[/color][/b] the Reception [b][color=cc33ff]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [hr][/center] Guin was angry - furious with Magneto for showing up on their wedding day, enraged with each one of her friends who decided to at least partially defend Magneto. She hated Allison's argument that they had to be the better people and they couldn't resort to violence unless attacked first. Magneto had been waging war on Pietro's heart, mind, and soul for years - and she was fairly certain Wolverine had been thrown off somewhere as Magneto arrived, as he had been the one running security. She didn't give quarter to racist, abusive assholes. Magneto left - as did Queen Miranda. Or whatever her real name was. Guin sure as hell hadn't invited her either and she glanced around, as if daring any further wedding crashers to come on out. [color=cc33ff]"No, I don't need to calm down, Mare,"[/color] Guin said, brushing her Maid of Honor off. [color=cc33ff]"I'm not some wilting flower. And if my husband's abuser thinks he can waltz in here, well, I'm not going to stand for it. I don't care how dangerous Magneto is. He's a fucking coward under that helmet and deserves to have his ass kicked like one."[/color] She was vaguely aware that there was a proper order to everything - they had done the first dance, she was supposed to have a dance with her dad, Mary and Wanda were giving toasts eventually, there was a bouquet toss and stuff. Guin looked at Pietro. This was their wedding. They should enjoy it as much as they could. It wasn't like she was dreading the honeymoon though - a month or so off from superhero duties sounded [i]amazing[/i]. [color=cc33ff]"I really want to hit a pinata and scream like I'm an amazon,"[/color] Guin admitted. [color=cc33ff]"Do we have a pinata? If not, then I think watching everyone try to lift Thor's hammer could be fun too. Or a Super Smash Bros tournament. But I guess we should probably do the formal shit, ugh..."[/color][hr][hr][center][h3][color=12ABB0][b]Neil Spellman[/b][/color][/h3][img]https://i.postimg.cc/3RnqLcdD/image.png[/img][hr][hr][b][color=12ABB0]Location:[/color][/b] the Reception [b][color=12ABB0]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [hr][/center] Neil didn't relax until Magneto was gone. That entire situation could have gone a [i]lot[/i] worse - the bride could have been dead, the groom could have gone crazy, the Avengers and the X-Men could have been locked in a duel against the Master of Magnetism. Neil actually felt a little bit bad for Magneto, a feeling that made him uncomfortable. He knew that Magneto had been horrible to people, especially his kids... but at the same time, Neil didn't really know about the abuse Pietro had encountered. He felt a little bit like Magneto should have been allowed to see the wedding, maybe just from afar. [color=12ABB0]"So, um... Do you guys still want to play Cards Against Humanity?"[/color] he offered, sitting back down at the table. Allison was the judge still. He didn't really know if the others were still in the mood - maybe Thor would even feel better now since there had been some aggression and conflict, even if the prince of Asgard hadn't taken part in it. Was that a symptom of Asgardian depression - not joining in on a brewing fight at a wedding?