[hr][CENTER][url=https://fontmeme.com/never-really-over-font/][img]https://i.imgur.com/bftdLNR.png?2[/img][/url] "[color=#FFD700]You sure you wanna do this?[/color]" "[color=#FF5757]Well... I am having doubts now.[/color]" [hr]—————————————————— [sub]Fantasy Land[/sub][/center] [indent] Quinn heard Taylor say her name as she tilted her head in an annoyed fashion upon hearing her name, "[color=#FFD700]Must have been hella drunk last night then.[/color]" She added before letting out a sigh, there was nothing else she could do, if the others who may like her more than the these ones can keep calling her Sin she would love nothing more. Grace looked confused at the name Quinn before looking up at the girl in question, she opened her mouth but Quinn stopped her as soon as she did, "[color=#FFD700]Don't.[/color]" Grace shrugged and mouthed the word and Quinn was literally about to slap this girl but then the outsider came from the roof and she had no choice. Quinn pulled Grace closer to her and pushed the bumper car to its side with a lot of difficulty with her shoulder, those things are heavy. She pressed her back against it as she sat on the floor with this new found acquaintance. "[color=#FF5757]What the hell is that?![/color]" Grace exclaimed before she peeked her head to see what was going on, her eyes saw a blue skinned woman attacking one of the members and she just looked at Quinn who just pulled her sleeve up to reveal her sigil. Grace was in awe since her Sigil looked so much more complex than hers but this was not the time to get Jealous. "[color=#FF5757]You look like you have a plan, uh... Tell me?[/color]" She asked before looking back at the Outsider. "[color=#FFD700]Nope. No plan.[/color]" Quinn said as she held out her hand, placing her other hand on the extended forearm to keep it steady and for her to focus more. "[color=#FFD700]Just going to need you to cover me while I call a friend.[/color]" She let out before holding out her hand to start summoning Heize, she hoped that since their last meeting he would have all of his parts intact, especially since there would be no better time to have it than now. Quinn started concentrating real hard as Grace fired multiple bolts at oncoming baddies. They were coming left and right, Grace would not las- "[color=#FF5757]Hey! I'm not going to last! They're everywhere![/color]" She called out, her hands were starting to heat up which meant they were going to come out faster but still not enough to keep all the demons at bay. Quinn was getting close, Heize's form was showing but it was not quite there yet, but the sound blast from Maya caught her off her rhythm and the form disappeared, as soon as Maya kept going Quinn was getting used to it and was able to continue but it would take a few more seconds for Heize to come out. She opened her eyes in hope that Heize was in front of her only to see one of the minions lunge at her, she could not stop right now especially since she was literal seconds away. Before she knew it Grace was able to block for her, her hand was in the demon's mouth and she shot lightning bolt that shot out of the demon's back. Heize finally showed after that and started whipping his tail and shooting fire at oncoming demons to protect the two. A chimera in full glory: Full lion strength, magical goat head support, and extra snake tail for a venomous attack. Grace was full of adrenaline to even realise the wound that formed around her wrist, a full bite mark that had her bleeding pretty heavily. "[color=#FFD700]Holy shit![/color]" Quinn exclaimed, she ripped up her shirt from the shirt and wrapped it around her wrist as Heize kept keeping them cover, he was getting swarmed but he was still fighting. He roared through the fight, swiping, shooting fire, biting with poison, and even applying a small weakening spell on the ones in close proximity. "[color=#FFD700][i]Heize therapévo![/i][/color]" Quinn called out, which made the goat head bleat and have Quinn's sigil over its head and cast a small healing spell on them. "[color=#FFD700]You good?[/color]" Quinn asked, as she got on Heize and started driving Heize so that he would not take so much damage and be so reckless. Grace nodded and was definitely about to say something but Quinn cut her off, "[color=#FFD700]Good![/color]" Quinn said before grabbing Grace by the wrist and pulling her up on the chimera,"[color=#FFD700]Because you're going to have to hold on.[/color]" With that Grace held onto Quinn while she guided the Chimera to the others. "[color=#FFD700]Hey! Don't stop shooting![/color]" She exclaimed as she ducked under a demon that was sent flying from Heize's tail. "[color=#FF5757]Got it![/color]" Grace replied as she shot more lightning bolts, though her aim was significantly worse since they were moving and it was already relatively hard to shoot lightning bolts stationary. Heize was weaving through the enemies while simultaneously fighting them off, Grace only now realised that craziness of the situation and how actually insane a chimera is. As Quinn rode Heize towards the others a barrier of darkness covered most of the members and they had to take a detour. But as soon as that happened she heard Grace stop firing, Quinn looked back and Grace slumped against Quinn's back. She was tired and out of stamina, Quinn Shook her head before she moved her hand to hold Grace and keep her from falling off. "[color=#FFD700]This is not the time...[/color]" She muttered to herself before she decided to go around the barrier from the outside but as went for the opening in the wall, a large tail went swiping at her and she had to maneuver Heize through it. It was that girl she met the other day, at the hotel. She was that thing apparently, due to having to dodge the tail Heize slowed down and needed to gain his momentum back as he made his way out, but this gave one of the demons the opportunity to jump at Quinn. The demon was able to bite quinn right on the shoulder but Quinn was able to flip him over her shoulder and forward onto the ground which then lead to this demon getting stomped on by the chimera. She started holding her shoulder and groaning but powered through it as they went through the hole in the wall, at least the rain woke Grace up. She rendezvous with the others in the darkness barrier and helped Grace down before lowering herself down to everyone else. She was holding her shoulder as she looked at Grace, she sucked in air through her teeth to get her through the pain before Heize casted the same light healing spell he did on Grace, it did not do much but lower the amount of she was feeling. "[color=#FFD700]Not one for plans but I'm down to do anything right now.[/color]" Quinn added, she looked at Grace and let out a sigh, "[color=#FFD700]Guess you guys were right about her, she's-[/color]" "[color=#FF5757]I'm fine![/color]" Grace exclaimed, as she forced herself up, "[color=#FF5757]I just needed to catch my breath! I can still fight![/color]" She continued, she started controlling her breathing. Quinn shook her head and clenched her fists before holding it up to her. "[color=#FFD700]Idiot, you didn't let me finish.[/color]" She brushed her hair back and continued, "[color=#FFD700]I was about to say, you saved my life so you're in it for life whether you're out or in.[/color]" She then moved her shoulder and pointed at it, "[color=#FFD700]Can anyone help me with this?[/color]" she asked, Grace then held up her hand that was bit and Quinn pointed at that as well, "[color=#FFD700]Also with that.[/color]" [/indent][hr] [color=#BDBDBD][sub][right]Interactions: [/right][/sub][/color]