[img]https://i.ibb.co/2Fmrn31/Callisto-Mining-Corp-Freighter.png[/img] [h3][color=blue]DCNV Callais - Enroute to Venus with 2nd Quarter Taxes[/color][/h3] Captain Aldric Gisorix sat in his chair idly, watching the chunks of rock slowly drift by him as his ship maneuvered deeper into the Sol System, bound for the beating heart of the Empire itself, Venus. His tea sat beside him, having grown cold in his neglect for it. His eyes scanned the horizon, searching for something only known to himself. He sailed with a heavier escort than normal, five frigates and a slew of fighters, but still, he was on edge. The ship was laden with normal cargo's; ores, machinery, chemicals, odds and ends bound for customers on Venus, yet those did not concern him. Deep within the inner hold, sealed and guarded, were the Emperors taxes, doubloons of pure gold. Even during the height of the great civil war, Callisto still payed its taxes, but things were different now, the dust settled and brushed away, leaving behind freebooters and other ilk of ill-repute. He sighed, signalling an aide over to his side. "Please, be so kind and heat this up, I've grown distracted and forgotten it was here." Well, best to heat up one's tea and drink it while the distance drifted on by and the ship made its way to Venus.