Her entire reaction to what he had to say was definitely expected, the Doctor wished he could reverse it, bring calmness back to her life once more but that wasn’t an option. It wasn’t possible. But Luna wasn’t alone, in a sense the Doctor understood how she felt he only wished he could do more than comfort her. Sitting there the man held her in a gentle comforting matter, was giving his life history in a sense. It was just how the Doctor was, rambling on, it was one of his more interesting quirks. The time between them at this moment was growing a tad lengthy, the Doctor felt it was time to let her know the idea that had been bouncing around in his mind. He’d talk to Dumbledore, he knew that Luna loved this school and didn’t want her current predicament to take her away from her comfort zone than she already was. After giving her the news and hearing her reply, her response, seeing that smile. He knew it was genuine but he could still see the unsettling uncertainty within her eyes and knew that even with him saying all that he had she was still somehow internally battling with herself and this new change. Hearing her mention heading out the Doctor gave a nod "That sounds like a wise idea, Luna" he gave her a smile and was on his feet showing her out of his office, out of his classroom. Standing in the doorway of his classroom his eyes focused on her until she disappeared around the corner of the corridor. Only then was the Time Lord able to take in a deep breath and allow his body to fully relax. Reaching up he ruffled his fingers through his untamed brown tousled hair a sigh escaping his lips before pinching at the bridge of his nose "At least she's resting now" he whispered to himself before giving his body a stretch, Heading back into his classroom where he tidied up, got papers ready for the following day of classes, yet something within him told him that he might not really be able to keep this facade up for much longer. Deep within him the Doctor could sense an impending danger afoot. After a shower, a cup of tea the Doctor sat upon the windowsill in his sleeping quarters, a pair of blue and white stripped jimjams. Sitting upon the sill, his deep chocolate brown eyes moved to stare out at the land below, it indeed was quite beautiful at night, the moon's rays delicately sparkling against the lake's surface. A comforting warmth began to spread through the Time Lord as a smile touched his lips, his eyes partaking in the beauty of this world in its entirety, it truly was magnificent. That however was disrupted when there was a knock upon the door of his quarters. For a moment the Time Lord turned his attention to his door, who on earth could that be in such a late hour? No one ever visited him. Getting to his feet he took up a blue night robe and slipped it on before heading up to the door. However upon opening it, he met a pair of half moon spectacles and long white beard. At first a look of confusion took over the Time Lord but soon the smile from the elderly wizard caused the extraterrestrial to calm as he snapped from his momentary confusion. "Good Evening, Head Master, is ... there a problem?" "My apologies for visiting you in such a late hour, Derek. But I knew you were trying to comfort Miss Lovegood during her current predicament. I was meaning to discuss with you a possible placement for her" the elderly wizard explained with a soft calming aura emanating from him. At first the Time Lord wasn't sure what the Headmaster had heard, if he was even spying. There was a slight worry setting in the man as it could slowly be seen forming in his eyes yet it was as if this wizard saw and slowly lifted his hand "No need to become alarmed, Derek. Whatever was discussed in your office has stayed between you and Miss Lovegood" * That was definitely a relief, yet now the Time Lord in a sense realized that perhaps the elderly wizard knew about his whole 'act' and wasn't saying a word. The Time Lord gave a nod "Thank you, Headmaster, now.. a placement for Luna? I was going to head to your office and speak with you personally about the matter, but since you've ventured all this way. It seems we both have the same idea in mind. I would like for Luna to become my assistant, my aide during my time of teaching. I know she loves this school and would hate that she would be pulled from this comfortable area in her life after everything that has happened thus, Sir" "My thoughts exactly, Derek" the man gave him a smile "I will leave it to you, to give Miss Lovegood the news of her position as an assistant under your authority. I shall hold your time no more, I bid you good night, Derek" the man gave him a nod and slowly headed on his way. "Thank you, Headmaster" the Time Lord watched him leave, a very curios look within his eyes. The Doctor didn't close the door until the wizard was out of sight and only then did the Time Lord return to the windowsill. Being a Time Lord, he didn't need much sleep, perhaps ten, twenty hours a week but even so, it was mainly his excitement that was truly keeping him awake, excited and active. That was until a very familiar sense washed over him, the Doctor was on his feet and lowering his gaze to the stone floor beneath his feet. [i]'What is that? ... is it him?'[/i] were the Time Lord's thoughts. Making his way to the door he placed his hand upon the handle but it seemed as quickly as that sense of familiarity washed over him, it disappeared and so did his grip upon the door handle. * As the sun rose over the horizon the following morning, the Time Lord was already showered, in a his clean blue pinstriped suit, his still sonic in his jacket pocket and red converse upon his feet. Giving his hair a good comb through, his usual spike of tousled mane the man headed down to his classroom to get things ready for his classes but his whole morning was free so he didn't really have much to do. He'd just finished going through parchment notes he'd taken during the night and organized them upon his desk in the classroom when a knock came to his door. The Doctor wasn't anticipating any visitors, no students really needed help with the subject the man was teaching, so who could it be? Making his way up to the door he opened it and upon seeing Luna Lovegood in front of him the Time Lord couldn't help it when a smile curled upon his lips "Good Morning, Luna" hearing her words he spoke of having a free morning and his light smile turned into a rather Cheshire cat type grin "A picnic? that sounds like a brilliant idea Luna" Deciding against grabbing his 'wizard' robe the Doctor stepped out of the classroom and held his arm out to her after closing his classroom door "Shall we?" if she were to take his arm or not he led the way. ~*oOo*~ The Hidden Time Lord had to admit, everything that Rose was telling him was quite a lot to take in, not to mention that it was almost like the perfect puzzle piece to help set together his confused mind. Those images, those dreams, this Doctor, that blue box. Whoever that Doctor was, Smith knew he was in some way tied to him but how? His mind was running in such a frenzy of thoughts he barely even was able to focus on Rose's words, Yet he somehow managed to do so and snapped out of his frenzied state, bringing his blue eyes back to his student before him "It's quite alright, Miss Tyler" he walked with her toward the door "With everything you've told me, I can understand why you needed to let it out. By all means if you need to speak with me again, you know where my classroom is" he gave her a small smile and escorted her out before dipping back into his classroom and shutting the door. Making his way back to the desk he sat there, taking up his book, a quill and dipping it in the bottle of ink. Opening the book he began to scribble words of the encounter, taking notes per say. After nearly three pages the man sat back, taking his fob watch out of his pocket he began to trace the designs once more. Several moments had passed, The Hidden Time Lord seemed to calm down, his mind easing as he sat up and lowered his gaze to the watched. He'd seen it before in his dreams, he'd opened it and had seen a golden light. But it just a dream, right? His fidgety fingers brushed along the top knob of the watch, he was ever so curious, he wanted to know but at the same time he didn't. Drawing in a deep breath the man held the watch up to eye level and clicked the button the top of the fob watch. In an instant golden light poured out from the opening watch and aiming straight for the Hidden Time Lord's eyes [i]'Last of the Time Lords from Gallifrey the Shining world of the seven systems on constellation of Kasterborous,'[/i] it was his voice that rang within his mind. Images began to form within his head, images he hadn't seen before and in that instant John Smith had enough and quickly snapped the watch shut, tossing it across the classroom. His heart was racing, his ears were ringing and for that moment the hidden Time Lord lost consciousness, blacking out in the very seat he sat in. As the man physically rested his mind raced with thoughts, with images, the blue box he saw it's interior [i]'The TARDIS calls to you'[/i] the wheeze and huff of the machine sounded as clear as day within his mind. It was a noise he knew he heard before, a strange tingle had come over him the night Rose had appeared, but he didn‘t know that. Not now at least. The hours passed and unbeknownst to him, the hidden Time Lord had been visited by the Headmaster and with a spell the elderly wizard transferred the man to his room to rest with the fob watch upon the Time Lord's night stand. The conversation could wait for another day. Hours had passed and slowly but surely John Smith began to awaken, much sooner than normal, his mind was racing the moment he consciously woke up [i]'Time Lord... The TARDIS'[/i] blinking awake the hidden Time Lord sat up then realized he wasn't in his classroom instead in his bedroom. How did he get there, reaching up he buried his hands into his face and groaned. Even with as clouded of a mind as he was dealing with he noticed his fob watch "It glowed... I know it did.." reaching for it he looked at it, his finger idly traced near the knob but he wasn't about to do it again. He wasn't about to open it. It started to swarm into his head the possibility that Rose was right. What if he was an alien? A .. A Time Lord. Staring at the watch, his heart was thudding in his chest as he gulped thickly "... that's preposterous..." he sighed faintly and was on his feet just getting ready for the day since he was more than certain he'd be unable to sleep. ~*oOo*~ Sitting with Hermione the boy-who-lived listened to her cautious words and gave a nod "You've got a point Hermione." his mind was no longer focused on Ron. Ever since their last year maybe sooner and his didn't notice? Their redhead friend was growing more and more irate and hard to talk to at least in Harry's opinion. The two had stayed up talking, just waiting for Rose, Harry had reached for Hermione hand and they continued their conversation of the 'what ifs' and 'time travel' and all speculating as the hours passed. Harry Had Hermione by his side, she and his godfather were all he really needed in his mind. Sure there were their other friends and he had the Order and those close to him. But even then Harry felt content, for the most part at least, sure there was the thought of impending doom ahead, something just didn't sit well in Harry's gut with everything but only time would tell what would happen and how things would really play out. It wasn't long after when Harry fell asleep, Hermione joining him soon after, they had a full day of classes, then Luna's predicament and finally the two staying up and waiting for Rose it was inevitable when Hermione fell asleep, Harry pulling her close protectively even and soon after he too joined her in slumber. As the green eyed gryffindor slept he dreamt of Rose, Professor Logan, the box, Luna's predicament but most of all the dream changed to more on the side of a nightmare as Umbridge appeared, then Voldemort's words of 'Avada Kedavra, the look of Cedric's lifeless body, his lifeless eyes staring at him. Harry's head jerked and thrashed every so often in his sleep, his face coming contorted yet as time went on those horrible images faded and he was able to sleep rather comfortable. As hours passed, Harry was awoken by being shaken and soon a look of shock came over him as his eyes opened wide "wh-what?" his glasses were crooked for having falling asleep with them on. He was still half asleep and allowed his head to fall back against the cushioned couch arm his green eyes closing. Yet as Hermione's question left her lips, that was definitely picked up by Harry who was now brought into full alert as he brought him to sit up and quickly adjust his glasses, his green eyes moving to focus on Rose awaiting an answer. She now had his full attention and after getting the answer, a smile formed upon Harry's face as he looked to her. So His and Hermione's speculation were correct, Rose was from the future so they weren't completely mental for thinking it. As Rose and Hermione conversed further, Harry remained silent as at this point? Harry was still too groggy to even think of questions to ask, not to mention Hermione was the best to deal with the situation. Hearing Rose speak that things would get better he was relieved but seeing the look on her face, when she looked at him and in a sense recanted her statement to give a more realistic answer, Harry's heart nearly skipped a beat. How bad was it going to get, honestly? When she spoke of seeing them at breakfast, Harry's mind began to wander, his eyes lifted to Hermione as he saw her smile and returned it "Well we finally know. I'm glad" - - - Up in the Astronomy Tower, John Smith had found his way up there. Throughout the time he was awake he couldn't clear his mind yet whenever he was there being able look down at the vast and beautiful land the man actually found a hint of peace. A feeling of calm serenity washed over him as he stood there leaning against the railing as his eyes closed allowing the cool crisp breeze to brush against his face as his body eased greatly. It would seem hours of being in that position in that spacious haze the faint sounds of footsteps climbing the stairs sounded. Hearing a familiar voice his blue eyes opened as he glanced back to her, a smile forming upon his lips "Good Morning Rose. I hope you managed to get some sleep" hearing her next statement his smile fell a tad but he shook his head "Don't be silly, I wouldn't mind the company. There is more than enough space here." She continued to speak and the man looked to her, taking in her words. He wanted to believe what she was telling him, he wanted to but deep down John Smith knew that it wasn't possible. There was far too much that had happened, her first words speaking to him about the Doctor and the Box which he now knew was called the TARDIS. Then the opening of his watch, it was just far too much information for him to believe that it wasn't true. He kept the watch in his robe pocket but he wasn't about to open it again. Not after what he'd witnessed the night before, Watching her turn and leave the hidden Time Lord stood there leaning against the railing look at the spot where she'd been standing moments ago. [i]'A girl from the future. An alien and a blue box known as the TARDIS. well... what does that mean about me? I'm John Smith from Carlisle England and yet she claims that I'm the alien like this Doctor. This Doctor who is an alien race known as Time Lords'[/i] he slowly gave a sigh and reached up to rub his face slowly [i]'Why? ...would this happen? How could this happen? I'm starting to question if .. this life I'm living is even real? Am I even a wizard?'[/i] the man shook his head "That's absurd.. completely mental. I am a wizard. the Charms professor have been for years. no more questioning my existence... I can't or else I will definitely need to be thrown into St. Mungos" he shook his head and left the astronomy tower to start his day. - - - Harry soon got to his feet with Hermione's help before they parted ways to their respected dorms to get ready for the day. A simple shower, clean uniform and his robes with his wand tucked into his robe pocket the green eyes Gryffindor headed down to meet up with best friend. together the two heading downstairs to the Great Hall for breakfast.Sitting at the table with Hermione beside him, Harry looked about then overheard Ron talking with Ginny and Twins about traveling with the family for the holidays. It must be nice to have a loving family. Then again he did have Sirius and knew that his godfather would probably enjoy his company for the holidays but right now? Harry just didn't see himself wanting to go anywhere near Grimmauld place. The boy-who-lived was ins his own world but Hermione's voice slowly pulled him from it and turned his full attention to her. She was offering for him to join her? To stay with her and her family? Hearing everything she had to say she wanted him to meet her family "That's really kind of you Hermione" his voice was warm as the boy couldn't help but smile, "I would like that a lot Hermione, Thank you." he resumed eating and listened to her words "I have to agree, being here in the castle for two weeks it wouldn't be much of a holiday. Spending it with you and your family I'd love that, the sound of it. I hope your parents are alright with it. if they're not I understand". If this were to go as planned he knew Hermione and Himself could plan out things about the group. When she mentioned grinch, he himself was actually up to date on that reference and looked over to Umbridge "Looks like pink is the new green." he gave a slight laugh.