[ARCHIVED LOG-#14896] [CONNECTING TO SPARTAN DIVISION HOST…..] [CONNECTED] [SMITH A. WILL, REP OF USTRA ENTERED] [color=ed1c24][We have need of your services, Spartans.][/color] [color=6ecff6][This is Rachel Payne from Spartan high command, go ahead][/color] [color=ed1c24][Ustra requests the purchase of a single corp from your armies with an attached Ares core, plus certain agents.][/color] [hider=ATTACHED DOSSIER-FILE-#141 - THE REAPER] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/427502701681573898/725159446006726819/OSkqZpyjQSN76qtX-pic-jpg.png[/img] The Reaper is our next most expensive officer in the submission pool, he was caught running a hitman ring in an asteroid cluster where he would terrorize the populace and leaders by "marking them for death" by tagging a large black cross on their wall or front door and 1 week later they would die. He is very good at finding possible mercenaries in the civil wars and putting them to good use. What he does now to quell riots is that all his troops have helmet cams taking pictures of the faces of the protestors, running them through a face recognition software, and during the morning use large speakers and screens to expose who is marked for death, usually being 1000 people a day. He will then have squads go house to house killing these people and anyone in the house with them. He has seen that after people realize that it's like a lottery and even if you just show up for like 1 second you can be targeted a lot of people who are indifferent or just on the edge of going to the riots stop showing up usually cutting the amount of protestor to half or in cases where a lot of people are determined usually cutting it to 2/3 as people with families usually stay home. [/hider] [hider=ATTACHED DOSSIER-FILE-#513 - THE MONSTER] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/427502701681573898/725160469966618656/TrGN4xcrJ788oTEC-pic-jpg.png[/img] The Monster is a bio-engineered freak who was made through a failed lab experiment that attempted to create super soldiers that could match up to the orcs, The Monster whos original name was Mikal Scott was a smart lower-ranking officer who was tasked with being the first to be turned. In return for testing this new experiment, he was given the rank of a senior officer and awarded his own team of willing participants who put themselves through the gruesome experiment to also become a freak of nature. He rules his team with an iron fist and executes deserters this has made him very effective at breaking up conflicts that have been going on for a while but arent going anywhere, He is one of the best officers in the Shock and Awe pool. [/hider] [color=6ecff6][Roger that Ustra, Seeing as you are requesting the Ares core would you like us to free up one extra corp just in case things escalate or do you feel that one should be enough? The Monster and The Reaper will be on standby with their teams as well. Total cost should be 3.55B credits. Would you prefer a payment plan or are you able to pay upfront?][/color] [color=ed1c24][Yes, we would like to have one corp free in case of potential escalation of events, and we will pay upfront. Please hold for a few seconds as I do the credit transfer.][/color] [UNKNOWN-USER-#08546, PLEASE CONFIRM YOUR TRANSFER OF 3.55 BILLION CREDITS EQUIVALENT] [Confirm] [THANK YOU….PROCESSING DATA….CREDITS LINKED TO SPARTAN DIVISION.] [color=ed1c24][We would also request a full deletion of our chat and any data linked, for security and political reasons.][/color] [color=6ecff6][Will do Ustra, expect troop transports to start arriving in 1.5 weeks, final mobilization of forces should be finished within 2.5 weeks, will commence purge in 15 minutes so unless I hear from you before that this chat will be deleted from our files but kept as a document in our archive][/color] [CHAT TERMINATED] [CHAT PURGE TO COMMENCE IN 3… 2… 1….] [CHAT SUCCESSFULLY PURGED]