[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180307/3e475eaffeda94d19a772cd43782dfa1.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180803/f7977b820eb93dd680edce7c1d61d3b0.png[/img][/center] While Shirou and Izo stared on, facing the death had on, for one feeling or another, Lilly found herself to Flare, and buried her bleary eyes into the girl's clothes. Watching death, especially that of a friend, was beyond her - beyond the capacities that lay within her. In her memories, death had never been close. The eerie proximity that many, even at her age, felt, coming for their family, their friends. Around corners and standing subtly out of view, until it passed by like a cloud, overcasting a life to an endless, sunless void. A city girl who had a fascination with computers, who was she to face down death? [colour=Red]"This never happens again,"[/colour] Shirou's voice was cracked, and the words he spoke filtered from a throat seized in the pain of tears. Lilly glanced out from beneath Flare's stature and clothes, keeping the gruesome sight of Chikako's desecrated body out of her periphery, in the direction of the hero - and through her own tears saw his, built around the edges of his bloodshot eyes. His gaze remained fixed on the screens, brow furrowed and jaw clenched in an expressive mix, of anger and sadness and fear, and the crushing failure of his inaction. [colour=Red]"This never happens again - Chikako died because she didn't trust us to help her. She thought she could fix everything on her own, and every single one of us has to pay for it. If any of you, any of us, fears something like Chikako did, please, [i]please[/i], you have to trust me, us, to help you. Don't throw away yours and somebody else's lives out of, out of fear, or anger, because that's how Monokuma and the Mastermind of this game control us. Nobody else is going to die, this can't happen again. Is that understood?"[/colour]