[u][b]Dossier Team Six[/b][/u] [i]Annie: Not really digging this team-six business Te'l: The saying - eh, was it "Eggs in a basket" Annie: Never put all your eggs in one basket Te'l: Crush them at once Annie: Maybe that's the plan? Shadow does everything for a reason...[/i] [hider=Dossier: TEAM SIX] [b]Madeline Montclair[/b] <<:PHYSICAL PROFILE:>> Monclair is 25 with a build that can vary wildly due to her mutation. Her base form is well-muscled, healthy, and maintained. However, adjustments to her body can have drastic effects. For example, specific dyes can alter her hair color, while over-consumption can lead to imminent weight gain. These drastic alterations eventually revert after a few days. <<:MENTAL PROFILE:>> Montclair was not vat-born; therefore, she lacks the innate predisposition to servitude. She is boisterous, loud, and potentially impulsive. However, this difference makes Montclair far more adaptable to infiltration type missions/tasks. This is an important asset to have at our disposal, yet careful monitoring is highly advised (NOTE: Keep "Aster" regularly informed in-case asset goes rogue). <<:TALENTS:>> Montclair is an exceptional cook, assassin, and martial artist. Her assassination capabilities largely rely on her ability to infiltrate typical environments, so civilian targets are ideal. Montclair was trained by the <<:STORMCALLERS:>> - we have yet to measure the advocacy of this training. <<::GRADE::>> (NOTE: SCALE IS 0-5) VERSATILITY: 4 PHYSICALITY: 4 LEADERSHIP: 0 (INELIGIBLE) COMBAT APTITUDE: 2 MENTAL FORTITUDE: 3 HOUSEKEEPING: 2 Montclair has an exceptional physique that is further bolstered by her mutation. She is ineligible for leadership due to her wild-card nature. Combat aptitude is held back due to focus on infiltration and martial arts. Housekeeping receives a lower score despite her notable cooking talent due to her subtle aversion to service. Versatility is high due to the broad application of her infiltration talents. <<:FINAL VERDICT:>> Excellent cook, wide variety of infiltration uses, serviceable assassin, keep close eye on her. [@Jarl Coolgruuf] [b]MELANIE AUGER:[/b] <<:PHYSICAL PROFILE:>> Auger is 22 years old and sports an average build. She has no major physical defects other than a minor one being farsightedness that has been adjusted. Auger has exceptional listening capabilities. No suggested physical alterations (NOTE: Encourage strength training possibly) <<:MENTAL PROFILE:>> Auger is fiercely loyal to the organization and treats everything the council states as absolute; therefore, very little measures must be taken to misdirect Auger. She is a homosexual and has/is in a relationship with <::JUNE KILROY::> - distancing into Team Six has presumably strained/eliminated this relationship. Consider severing ties to Kilroy, or utilize Kilroy as potential leverage if needed. Much more of a follower than a leader. Has an aversion to leadership roles - very dependent on fellow operatives and has a fear of losing them. Suggested protocol is to give many tasks and praise for proactive behavior. Odd aversion to "Clowns" is noted. <<:TALENTS:>> Lacking in housework department - makes up for it in combatives. Skilled marksman with seasoned combat experience brought on by study in PMC <<::VERDANT HORIZON::> - during time in PMC Auger honed a supernatural listening technique involving using vibration through a blade to discern targets size, number, location (NOTE: Obtain MRI Scan of Auger's cranium to further understand this technique). Notably skilled in utilizing knives in CQC. <<::GRADE::>> (NOTE: SCALE IS 0-5) VERSATILITY: 2 PHYSICALITY: 3 LEADERSHIP: 1 COMBAT APTITUDE: 5 MENTAL FORTITUDE: 3 HOUSEKEEPING: 2 Auger has demonstrated a remarkable ability to excel in combat as per service in Verdant Horizon. Short-comings in housekeeping and follower mentality limit versatility and leadership capabilities. Mental fortitude is benefited by ability to eliminate targets with very little feeling, but held down by fear of fellow operatives dying and need for orders. <::Final verdict::>> Excellent combatant, average housekeeper, poor leader. Look to further develop shortcomings. [@Ryona Zako] [/hider]