[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ZrB57gK.jpg[/img][/center] Holly ignored the crashing that was happening within the Guild Hall, not wanting to look up and bear witness to what was happening. Ignorance was key, if she looked up, she knew, and if she knew, she had to act - which was most likely acting in [i]disappointment[/i] in whatever she saw that involved crashing. the sooner they went out on the job, the better, if only because it meant she wasn't the one that was going to have to figure out who was going to pay for the damages. Zenith's comment in regards to the spirits made Holly smile a little, and turn her head back to him. [color=red]"Forgive me if I'm speaking too much about then possibly being spirits. I'm working off of what we have, because if we tried to think of every single scenario, the world would have ended by the time we even leave for the job."[/color] Holly replies, shrugging her shoulders. [color=red]"In reality, a job, especially an S-Rank job, can go any six ways. We can happily discuss it being spirits, or curses, or whatever we like for a few hours, but in reality, we can go out there and it turns out there's a goddess hiding out in the forest."[/color] She was exaggerating, but she felt she got the point across. At Marduk's comment, she turned and gave him a thumbs up. Privately, she wondered if he had caught onto her emotions. Holly turned her head to listen to Torys as she spoke to Gwen, but made her way a little closer to add in her two cents. [color=red]"Thank you for the advice, Master,"[/color] Holly replies. It was good to know about the travel difficulties involved with getting to the village. [color=red]"I believe the train would be the best choice." [i]And hopefully the other two agree, because it's what I'd do if I was going solo,[/i][/color] she added on mentally. She turned to Tone, and couldn't help but frown a little under her helmet. Two people were a lot to deal with on the S-Rank job, but a four person to their team would, in Holly's eyes, mean she had to watch over [i]someone else[/i]. That was assuming he wanted to come with them. [color=red]"Indeed, we will be heading out soon. We already have a few of us on this job."[/color] She paused, taking a moment to think about her attitude. There was one person she was happy to be taking on this team, and more people added on took away from her ideal enjoyment. She didn't, however, want to be [i]too[/i] rude. [color=red]"But, you can come if you'd like."[/color] Turning back, she decided to approach Zenith again, to ask what he wanted to do for transportation. She knew what [i]she[/i] wanted to do, but something tugged at her, just wanting to ask Zenith and make sure he agreed with how they were going to get there. [color=red]"Are you happy taking the train, Zen?"[/color]