[quote=@Polaris North] Hey hey hey, I'm interested as well! I kind of want to play around the idea of buffing magic that revolves around chess pieces. Sort of like chess magic wherein when you are bestowed a piece, you gain buffs corresponding to that piece. So it's more a mainly support type of magic. And they can summon a board where they can track all the pieces and then build the environment of the entire board from there, as well as possible enemy spots. As for their offensive magic, I was thinking along the lines of gravity magic and probably a war hammer of sorts. I'm thinking they're around B or A rank, depending on which you would prefer to have. But I think they're gonna be an experienced mage. [/quote] It would definitely work well with my own character plan. Mark my character as the teams "King" (weakest combatant), and the most combat inclined as the "Queen", and we could use my character's ability to gather info to locate the enemy plus your abilities in order to manipulate the entire battlefield to our advantage. Now we just need some [s]meatheads[/s] powerful front-liners.