'Oh my god, her eyes.' Charlie's cheeks flamed red as she stared at Mila's dark eyes, hidden slightly behind her dark lashes. Charlie's mind, which was artistic and constantly on overdrive, was currently in a daze. She'd known attractive women before but there was something about Mila that brought beauty to a whole knew level, although, Charlie couldn't quite pinpoint what that 'something' was. Never the less, when Mila stood closer to her and absently played with Char's scarf, she swooned like a school girl on the playground. “But are you sure it’s ok? I’m not interrupting any plans you had tonight? A cute girl like you, it’s hard to imagine you’re spending a night alone.” [i]Cute girl.[/i] Charlie laughed suddenly, looking down and shyly breaking eye contact with Mila. “Yeah, it really is fine. My job doesn’t exactly pay well,” she nodded towards the discarded guitar case that still sat on the steps. “So I don't really 'go out'.” She shiver again and nodded. “You're right, it's cold let's go up...” her voice caught as she felt Mila's arm interlock with hers. “Stairs.” “My apartment is on the third floor.” Charlie explained, her voice rambling as she led Mila into the building. The lobby was clean, sterile even, with a plush carpet and a small front desk. Except for the two elevators that were set against the back wall, the rest of the lobby was empty. “Here we can take this elevator, the other one isn't as quick.” Her voice trailed off as the door beeped open and they stepped inside. It was made of a darker wood and the buttons next to the door were a dull grey until they were pressed, causing them to turn yellow. Charlie smiled over at Mila, a shy expression that made her eyes glitter. The ride up was quick and quiet. “Here we are.” She breathed as the door slid open, showing a plain looking hallway decorated similarly to the downstairs. “It's that one.” She pointed towards the second door down the hall and guided the other woman towards it. Charlie flicked the lights on to reveal a quaint, lived in apartment. The front door opened into a small living room/kitchen area that was only separated by a change in flooring, from carpet to tile. and a small island that's seats were halfway in the living room. The living room in question was decorated with a second hand couch set Charlie had gotten off e-bay. The set included a longer sofa, a love seat and an arm chair that were a dark leather and placed neatly around a small television. In the middle of the ensemble was an old, stained coffee table that held an assortment of junk: Magazines, papers, books, jewelry, even dishes. “Uh, I meant to clean up in here.” Charlie murmured, as she took off her scarf and jacket, hanging both up in a hall closet and then rubbing her shoulders exasperatedly. She rushed towards the table and gathering an armload of dishes. “Make yourself at home, the bathroom and the two bedrooms are down that hallway.” She pointed to a long hall that travelled left when you walked in the door. “You're room would be the first door on the right, it's got a nice view and even it's own half bath. It's a little bit extra a month but, you seem like you'll manage.” She nodded towards her fancy attire, Mila looked as if she had just stepped out of some fancy business office and Charlie wondered what it was she did anyways. She decided to ask later and let her guest get settled instead. Hauling her dishes towards the tiny kitchen, Charlie started filling the dishwasher in an attempt to make the place look a little bit less like a disaster area. The kitchen was a little more orderly then the living room. On the left, it had a fridge and a stove side by side with some counter space that stopped just before it reached a dining room (the table of which was also piled so high with crap that there was no way people actually ate at it). On the other side was more counter space and a sink, with the island right behind that. Above everything hung cabinets. It was crowded and small, yes, but homey and inviting just the same. “If you want to go freshen up, you can use my shampoo and stuff.” Charlie had grabbed an apple from the fridge as she spoke. “There are clean towels and face clothes in the hall closet that you can use.” She took a bite of the apple, making a face as her teeth bit off a bruised piece that tasted sour and disgusting. “And we're about the same size, so you'll probably fit into some of my pyjamas for the night.” She chucked the half eaten apple into the green bin that was underneath her sink and then leaned against the counter, looking at this strange, exotic woman with a petite smile. “Oh, and if you want to eat I can make us something.”