After much pain and suffering I have created my CS. [hider=Blaze] [h1][b][u]Blaze[/u][/b][/h1] [b][u]Username[/u][/b] Bl4z1ng_K1tsun3 [u][b]OOC profession:[/b][/u] Librarian [u][b]Character Role:[/b][/u] BURNING EVERYTHING!!! AH HAHAHAHA!!! ...fine, DPS. [i]Bloody philistines not appreciating good pyromania...[/i] [u][b]Alignment:[/b] [/u] 30. Surprising, I know. [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] An anthropomorphic male fox, standing at a mere 5'1 and a lithe build. His fur is mostly white, with an almost silver sheen to it, with orange flame patterns on his chest, along with his limbs being orange up to his elbows/knees. His eyes are fully orange, swirling like a hearthfire. He does have a small mane of red fur atop his head, giving him a look of constant bedhead. Nine plush tails sprout from his rear. He wears the Robe of Archon, a relatively tame (by wizard standards) red robe, decorated by golden flame patterns and with a golden belt. His right arm is wrapped in chains which look like they are made of red-hot iron, and give off a similar heat. [u][b]Race:[/b][/u] Tenko, the pinnacle of Kitsune evolution who have ascended to a divine level. [u][b]Classes[/b][/u] [i]Total Level 100[/i] [b]-Monster Classes:[/b] Foxmorph 15/15 Kitsune 10/10 Ninetailed Kitsune 10/10 Tenko 5/5 [b]-Job Classes:[/b] Wizard 15/15 Sorcerer 15/15 Pyromancer 10/10 Archmage 10/10 Fire God's Reincarnation 5/5 Archon of Alexandria 5/5 King of the Scoured 5/5 [b]-Class type level:[/b] Martial 5 Arcane 75 Divine 20 [u][b]Attributes:[/b][/u] HP - 50 MP - 90 Physical Attack - 30 Physical Defense - 50 Agility - 75 Magic Attack - 100 Magic Defense - 55 Resist - 75 Special - 75 [u][b]Abilities:[/b][/u] [u]Wizard[/u] Arcane Recovery: Regenerates MP 20% faster Ritual Caster: Can learn an extra hundred spells, however the casting time for them is extended by ten minutes. [u]Sorcerer[/u] Natural Magic: Spells cost 5% less to cost. Overclock: Allows spells to be overcharged up to double their mana cost for an equivalent amount of damage. [u]Pyromancer[/u] Fire Affinity: Spells with Fire attribute cost 10% less to cost. Untouched by Flame: Gains resistance to Fire damage. [u]Archmage[/u] Greater Arcane Recovery: Increases MP regeneration by another 10% Evocation Specialist: Elemental spells cost 5% less to cost, however all other spells cost 10% more. [u]Fire God's Reincarnation[/u] One With Flames: Grants Immunity to Fire Damage, though recieves a weakness to Water Damage. Divine Pyromancy: Fire spells also deal Holy damage. Elemental Mastery: Elemental Spells cost 30% less to cast [u]King of the Scoured[/u] Lord of Flames: Fire elementals will not become hostile and will obey any orders given to them. Regal Standard: Both the user, and those of the Scoured, deal an extra 50% damage to those he has declared war on. Royal Guards: Gains an additional 160 Points to spend on minions. Homeward Bound: Can open a portal to the Scoured so long as he is outside of combat. The process takes an hour. [u][b]Spells:[/b][/u] Fire Magic, More Fire Magic, ALL THE FIRE MAGIC!!! Also a small amount of elemental spells that were mistaken for fire spells. [u][b]Skills:[/b][/u] Research, Archaeology, Linguistics, Dungeoneering [u][b]Equipment:[/b][/u] [b]Robe of the Scoured:[/b] Marking him as the ruler of the Scoured, this clothing is actually made from spun flames. It grants a bonus to his physical and magical defences as well as giving resistance to Ice/Cold damage. [b]Chains of Prometheus:[/b] Forged, well probably better to say created, from the body of the Fire Elemental Lord Prometheus. The chains burn with the twisting hatred of the fallen lord for his slayers, and act as a potent magical focus. Spells deal an extra 50% damage, in exchange for dealing 10% of the unmodified spell power to the user as Fire Damage. [b]Ring of Alexandria:[/b] The seal of the city lord of Alexandria, this item was empowered by the Scouring to become a powerful channel for fire magic. Fire spells do 50% more damage, and cost 10% less. [u][b]In-Game Backstory:[/b][/u] Blaze, or the 'Kyuubi no Yoko' as the Humanoid players call him, joined the game with some friends who had a similar interest to him in history. They formed the 'Library of Alexandria' guild, which didn't discriminate against anyone so long as they had an interest in history, based in the city of Alexandria. For a time, they had peace with their endeavors, scouring the lands in search of lore. Unfortunately, some greedy players began to notice the guild were in possession of higher quality magical items due to their endeavours. This is what led to the Scouring of Alexandria, and Blaze gaining his first rare class. The Scouring of Alexandria was a war... no calling it a war would be legitimizing the actions of the other guilds. It was an Invasion. Fifteen guilds, numbering near a thousand members, swept into the city the Library had made their base in and began slaying all the 'devil worshippers' who lived in the city, looting as they went. The invaders had sheer numbers on their side, so Blaze and the other magi came up with a plan. Using the ancient texts found in the various ruins, dismissed by other players as it was written in an unknown language, they pooled together the combined power of thirteen magic users, to cast the first World-class spell in the game. It literally changed the landscape itself as fire burst from the earth itself, consuming the city and it's environs into lava and spawning hundreds of elementals and other creatures of fire, turning it into the the Scoured. Only four of the casters survived the initial casting, and of those four only Blaze had the resistance needed to survive the spell itself, if only barely. The sheer amount of destruction by his hand, as the others lost access to the achievement by dying, gave him access to the Fire God's Reincarnation class... and set his Alignment to -100. His friends and guildmates left the game soon after, feeling no point in continuing if this situation would just come again. Felix though? He stayed in the Scoured, carving a memorial to not just his guildmates, but all the NPCs that had been slaughtered by the greed of his fellow players. The notifiation he eecoeved for slaying all the NPCs and players had left him with such a sense of guilt, even though he had no choice in the matter. He actually slew the Elemental Lord known as Prometheus whilst trying to locate information on the dead NPCs, the burning chain he created from it was worn as pennance for the creation of the Scouring. He also performed a number of deeds for the dead, helping them to pass on. Oh, and of course he had to slay a number of players who thought they could raid the ruins for rare items. Upon completion of the memorial, his Alignment finally shifted back to positive and he exploded into light as he attained the final evolution of the Kitsune race, along with a new Class. Through his actions at putting the dead to rest and defeating many of the lords of this new area of Fire Elementals, he had become the King of the Scoured. Taking command of the elementals, he organised them into a powerful defensive force to protect the Memorial he created from being destroyed by foolish adventurers. Finally satisfied that his penance to the people of Alexandria had been repayed, he returned to his journey across the land. Of course, word had spread of a powerful Kitsune taking control of the Scoured, and upon leaving he was constantly besieged by players. Apparently in the time he had been isolated in his task, the feeling towards monster players had soured even further, as even telling them he was a player would not dissuade the Humanoids from trying to PK him. He was actually contemplating quitting the game when he was approached by members of the group Ainz Ooal Gown. Apparently they wanted to make a guild for the monster players. He was interested, if only because they would provide allies for him to explore the more dangerous dungeons. Despite being a member of the guild, Blaze was rarely in the guildhall. Most of his time was spent travelling the world locating artefacts and writing up the lore. He was probably the biggest help with creating the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown, if indirectly, as he had mapped out potential artefact locations with what he had gleamed from the various legends and writings he uncovered. Honestly the items themselves didn't particularly interest him as much as the lore behind them. He had actually considered leaving the game again, as he had found most, if not all, of the available lore despite the harassment of the humanoids and his job. But with the new dungeon... that changed things. [hider=Honour Guard] [b][u]Cohort Name[/u][/b] Honour Guard [b][u]Cohort Composition[/u][/b] 6 Knights of the Scoured [b][u]Name[/u][/b] Knights of the Scoured [u][b]Character Role:[/b][/u] Tanks [u][b]Alignment:[/b][/u] 10 [hider=Appearance] [img][/img] [/hider] [u][b]Race:[/b][/u] Scoured Elemental [u][b]Classes[/b][/u] Total level 55 [b]-Monster Classes:[/b] Flame Sprite 15/15 Fire Elemental 10/10 Scoured Elemental 10/10 [b]-Job Classes:[/b] Soldier 15/15 Warrior of the Scoured 5/5 [b]-Class type level:[/b] Martial Prowess 20/20 [u][b]Attributes:[/b][/u] HP - 50 MP - 30 Physical Attack - 30 Physical Defense - 50 Agility - 20 Magic Attack - 0 Magic Defense - 50 Resist - 40 Special - 30 [u][b]Abilities:[/b][/u] [b]Soldier[/b] Martial Mastery: Can use any conventional weapon to a journeyman degree. Unit Prowess: Gains bonuses when in a formation with at least 2 other allies. [b]Warrior of the Scoured[/b] Eternally Burning: All attacks deal Fire Damage. Servant of the King: All Attributes are doubled when within 100m of their king. [b]-Spells/Martial Arts:[/b] Skill set based around fighting with Sword and Shield and Formation fighting. As Elementals they have the Special Ability to shoot flames into mid range. [b]Skills:[/b] N/A [b]Equipment:[/b] Royal Armour: Befitting the royal guards, they wear obsidian armour mined from the Ruins of Alexandria. This grants them substantial physical defence, as well as lowering their elemental weaknesses. Shield of Wrath: Named when Blaze was reading Rise of the Shield Hero, this shield reflects 10% of damage received back to the enemy as well as providing additional defence buffs to the wearer. Scoured Blade: Weapons from Alexandria before the Scoured, the cataclysmic spell turned them into powerful artefacts of fire. Increases the users physical damage and fire damage. [b]In-Game Backstory:[/b] The Legion of the Scoured are the elementals in the Scouring who, after Blaze becoming their king, became his defenders of the Memorial of Alexandria. When he left to continue his exploration of the world, he took the most promising of his troops as his personal guards. [/hider] [/hider]