[quote=@Disciple Cain] Like, One Unit Whole Balor implanted in place of his heart? [/quote] Yessir [img]https://i.imgur.com/zmzjWnM_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium[/img] [quote=@Nerdy Reference] Okay, how funky can we get with races? Like, my current concept is an evolved variant of the Shadow Demons. It's never made super clear how dangerous they are, but they've guarded individuals such as Sebas. I'm going with the notion that they're not very formidable by old guild standards, similar to the Shadows from D&D. Scary in theory, and hard to see without very bright light, but if you have a way around their being incorporeal, they're fodder. My character's race would be some sort of ascended shadow being. Heavy on Illusions and evasion both physical and magical, though I feel it bears mentioning that there's lots of instant death and sometimes worse when you've got a witty caster. Working name for her species is Nightwalker, similar to the entities from the Negative Energy Plane. I think it'd be cool to have someone experiencing becoming a literal manifestation of Negative Energy. Anywho here's the pic I'm using for her. [hider=The Planar Shadowdancer] [img]https://i.imgur.com/nBOFIVb.png[/img] [/hider] [/quote] Kind of seems more like an undead, considering the toes to the negative energy plane and incorporeal. I could certainly something like shadow>wraith>??? There are also some pretty powerful undead shadow creature, Nightshade, with various subraces, but Nightwalkers are Huge. I leave it up to your discretion, so long as the amount of levels is appropriate to the power in game. I do like the idea of power contrast from game to New World. I feel like that is half the fun of it.