[b][u][center]Tsuyoshi Nakagawa[/center][/u][/b] Raion failed to accomplish anything in terms of their test, but he didn't fail to give Tsuyoshi a source of amusement. But before Tsuyoshi could act upon the opportunity for them to actually work together, Kumori decided to leap in himself. Tsuyoshi realised he probably should've guessed he would be the type to rush in like Raion. At least it gave him the opportunity to observe their Sensei's method of retaliation. But what caught Tsuyoshi's attention was that Kumori's clone had gone and readied himself a kunai. He was about to say something about that, when a brilliant flash of light caused him to flinch for a moment. When he re-adjusted, Kumori had fallen down and his clone was nowhere to be seen. When Tsuyoshi gave it a good thought, he reckoned that Nori had thrown something himself. [b]"Tch, guess we're not pulling any punches...."[/b] He muttered, and then preformed his own set of hand seals and spat out a Rock Clone. With that done, he went and gave Kumori a hand. [b]"If you've still got the guts for it, you make another clone and have at him from the left. I'll get him from the right."[/b] He told him. Last, he spoke to Raion. [b]"Make use of those legs of yours and try to grab him while he's distracted. Just mind your feet this time, huh?"[/b] And with that, he took off along with his clone, both circling to approach Nori on the right flank. The clone shouted. [b]"Hey cockbite, eat this!"[/b] And followed up with a pair of shuriken. With just a moment's delay in between, the real Tsuyoshi threw his own shuriken, aiming for one of Nori's legs. Simple tricks, but if Kumori was in a state to join in, maybe they would be able to take up his focus enough.