[center] [img=http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss87/beloved_darling/5e016246-7121-4d80-b837-934fab798e7e.jpg] VALYN DIONYSUS MANCINI age 115 born 01/05/1030 Valyn was born Dionysus Solae and is the daughter of a skilled healer and a potions master who sold various potions in a family store. Their successful businesses helped them earn a steady income and she grew up wealthy. She inherited her mother's gift of potion brewing but enjoyed healing potions the most, inheriting her talent in healing from her father. She became a skilled Healer and was often called on to heal protectors who were injured. She met Prince Belzeneff's bodyguard, Valiant Mancini, from time to time when she had to heal him or his comrades and they got along fairly well. When Valiant was injured by a vampire, Dionysus was the one who healed him afterwards. She unfortunately could do nothing to save his right eye and Dionysus felt guilty about it. During did routine check-ups on his eye, the two of them bonded and became good friends. They met up regularly and after awhile, their friendship turned into a romantic relationship and eventually Dionysus married him and changed her name to Valyn. Valyn adores her children and feels devastated over Valente's fate. She feels helpless and that she cannot do anything to help him, and the fact that Valerio is off hunting him makes her feel worse. Valyn feels like she cannot do anything because she is extremely loyal to the royal family, especially after marrying the queen's brother. She fears for Valente if he is found and wishes he could just be left alone in peace, but she is wary over the threat of war against demons and fears for her other children's safety if Valente is not found. She is uncertain about what to do and gets upset when the topic is brought up to the point where she'll cry on Valiant's shoulder for hours. Her other biggest worry is Valereon and she is devastated that she has no idea where he ran away to, blaming herself because he often fought with her and Valiant. Valyn likes all of her grandchildren unconditionally and she spoils them, though her favorite is Valenna because she raised her. [/center]