[center][b][h1][color=green]Uná O’Brian[/color][/h1][/b][/center][hr] [center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/18d01698-ed1e-4bc4-bc4d-b838036a3be3.jpg[/img]][/center][hr][h2][center]Location: Institute; Danger Room[/center][/h2][hr][center][h3] Interaction: Nik, Ronnie, Cleo & Drake [/h3][/center][hr][center][h3] Mentions: Aya, Jasper & Heidi[/h3][/center][hr][hr] Uná smiled warmly at Nik as she took his hand.[color=green] "Molly Ringwald? Really?"[/color] Uná shook her head in mock disappointment.[color=green] "Alley Sheedy. She gets Estevez in the end."[/color] Turning toward a new face Uná raised her eyebrow.[color=green] "You can get a better run down of the events last night. Since you’re new I'll let your attitude slide but if you talk to be or my friends like that again expect retaliation."[/color] Una looked around. She didn't want to relive a lot of last night but if the brat wanted to know where she fit in fine.[color=green] "We went out to a club. We drank. We partied. We got drunk. They, being Nik, Aya, Chloe, Jasper and Drake, got into a fight with a weird ass creature. I got kidnapped. The rest of the group found me after I was taken to another place. Something like a guy with a flaming scull waltzed into the place and well I don't know what happened until I woke up and Heidi was with me walking out the front doors. Then things got worse. I was trapped in an illusion I couldn't stop. Finally it ended… I don't remember how and the place I was being held burned to the ground."[/color] Uná held on to Nik's hand like a lifeline. She was terrified of what happened and remembered more than that but didn't want to get in depth too much.[color=green] "Look we're all here for different reasons like Dean Ashford said. We should be helping each other."[/color] She switched hands with Nik extending her right hand.[color=green] "I'm Uná O’Brian and I can create realistic illusions. The other two will be here shortly. Trust me."[/color] She smiled and held her hand out to Ronnie waiting for her to take it. She was using the last of the compound to reach the other two who'd walked off. [center][h1]… … … … … … … … … … …[/h1][/center] Uná turned the corner in front of Cleo and blocked her path.[color=green] "I know you heard me. We all need to talk get back to the Danger Room. Don't make me drag you back."[/color] She looked a little miffed.[color=green] "We need to talk. And you and Drake are setting a bad example for the other kids. We don’t leave teammates behind."[/color] [center][h1]… … … … … … … … … … …[/h1][/center] Grabbing the back of Drake's jacket Uná used his momentum to spin him around. She snatched the cigarette out of his mouth and broke it in half then snatched his pack and crushed it.[color=green] "Nasty habit that. March your ass back there we need to understand what is going on with you. So you've got some explanations to give. Plus you need to set an example for the new kids that we don't leave teammates hanging. Now move it Drake."[/color] Uná was defiant and looked angry. [@webboysurf][@Brioko Jobe][@Fallenreaper][@RedVII][@Damo021][@Chev][@Silver Carrot][@c3p-0h]