Alright, sorry for the delay, but here is my sheet. [hider=NuttirButtir] [b][u]Username[/u][/b] NuttirButtir ('Nut') [b]OOC profession:[/b] Bartender [b]Character Role:[/b] Buff/debuff & Healing Support [b]Alignment:[/b] 0 [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] [hider=Aspirant Form][img][/img][/hider] [hider=Awakened Form][img][/img][/hider] [u][b]Race:[/b][/u] Careless Whisper, a malfeasant eldritch being who exists for the purpose of sowing discord and unrest in humanity [u][b]Classes[/b][/u] [b]Monster Classes:[/b] -Zombie (10) -Mummy (10) -Old One (5) -Careless Whisper (5) [b]Job Classes:[/b] -Cleric (15) -Cultist (15) -Hierophant (10) -Supplicant (10) -Invoker (5) -Entropician (5) [b]Class type level:[/b] Martial: 20 Arcane: 35 Divine: 45 [u][b]Attributes:[/b][/u] -HP: 60 -MP: 80 -Physical Attack: 10 -Physical Defense: 50 -Agility: 50 -Magic Attack: 70 -Magic Defense: 80 -Resist: 70 -Special: 90 [u][b]Abilities:[/b][/u] [u]Cleric[/u] -Lay on Hands: Heal a single target rapidly through sustained physical touch that prevents other actions -Food for the Hungry: Cure the Hungry status and grant the 'well fed' bonus in a small radius -Be at Peace: Cure a single non-special mental status of a single target -In Thy Name: Increase a single ally's defense temporarily [u]Cultist[/u] -Self-sacrifice: suffer a some HP damage to increase the potency of the user's next spell -Embrace Disorder: heals a single target by a random amount or causes bleed -Return: a resurrection spell that requires both channeling and an HP cost -Bloody Tithe: attack with a phantom dagger deals damage, restores some HP to the user and grants a stack of Frenzy [u]Hierophant[/u] -Horrible Knowledge – Send a whispered secret to a single enemy that leaves them Weakened, decreasing attack and defense temporarily -Arcane Secrets – Shorten the cooldowns of a targeted ally's abilities -Alternative Methods – Raise an arcane crystal. Allies who stand near them enjoy health and mana regeneration, but the crystal breaks after providing a certain amount of regeneration -Mana Flux – Reach out for the mana of targets in an area and fluctuate it, causing damage and temporarily inflicting Silenced [u]Supplicant[/u] -Make Way: Grant a movement and attack speed bonus to allies in a radius. Having Frenzy increases the radius and the speed boost -You Will Understand: Marks single target temporarily. Increases damage dealt to the marked target and inflicts the mark on any enemies that heal or buff the target while active, consuming a stack of Frenzy with each spread. If a marked target dies, another stack of Frenzy is granted -Cry Havoc: A channeled AoE ability that deals continuous Sound damage to any enemies in its area. Having Frenzy increases each 'beat' of damage, but each consumes a stack -Wild Idolatry: A fit of passion that leaves the user vulnerable but continuously grants Frenzy while channeled [u]Invoker[/u] -Visitation: Opens a small rift from the user's hand that extends barbed alien tentacles. They inflict piercing damage, and drain some health from struck enemies, granting the user some healing and Frenzy -Glimpse Beyond: Opens a large rift that causes a blast of eldritch energy in an area, damaging foes. Grants Frenzy to the user if the user is in the area -Take Over: an eldritch influence briefly subsumes the targeted ally or the user, granting a defensive shield. The target heals over time while the shield is active, but the shield will break if enough damage is dealt to it, or if enough time passes -Dream No More: Once at full Frenzy, the user can transform into an Awakened state, knocking away enemies in a radius, gaining an ability damage boost, and applying Delusion. While Awakened, tentacled Black Grass spreads out from the user and anyone either buffed or debuffed by the user. Enemies in contact with Black Grass gain a stack of Delusion every second, causing damage over time and decreased accuracy per stack. Buffs and debuffs imposed by the user will not expire while the allies or enemies in question are in contact with Black Grass. Dream No More and the Black Grass remain active until the battle is over or the user is killed [u]Entropician[/u] -Isolation: A temporary curse that prevents the target from being healed and deals equivalent damage to any sources of healing imposed on the target -Breach: A curse that only works on targets that have made themselves invulnerable through some means (that is, immune to damage). It immediately ends the invulnerability and causes an explosion that deals damage and stuns both the target and any other nearby enemies -Reversal: A spell that changes all debuffs on an ally to buffs with opposite effects, or buffs on an enemy into debuffs with opposite effects -Dream of Quietude: A curse that can only be applied to dead bodies and has no duration, although it can be cleansed. Any attempt to resurrect the target will instead kill the reviver [b]Spells/Martial Arts:[/b] Nut's toolkit of spells are meant to turn the tide of battle in favor of his allies. He debilitates enemies while strengthening his allies, and healing their wounds. His subversion-type spells counter enemy ploys to use their own cards against them. [b]Skills:[/b] Prayer (Purification, consecration, etc), appraisal, decryption, treasure hunting [b]Equipment:[/b] -God-King's Corona: a Pharaoh's headdress and the mark of a ruler. Its subjugating presence lowers the Resist of foes in a radius -Ritual Beads: a string of various 'beads' of dubious origin. Increases the casting speed of spells that do not inflict direct damage -Defiled Scrap: a length of ancient cloth said to have been worn by a mad prophet who authored books of unholy writ to educate mankind in defiance of a truth that must not be known. If the wearer is successfully affected by the same spell in immediate succession, the second is reflected to the attacker -Principle Paradox: a profane amulet bearing the holy symbols of a number of different religions, showcasing them all despite their conflicting ideas. Striking the wearer's elemental weakness will inflict that elemental weakness on the attacker and give the wearer a new weakness at random, both for a short time. -Slipdash Band+: a ring prized among thieves and rogues. When performing a dash, the wearer briefly becomes invisible and will not collide with entities -One for All: an eye-catching raiment that heralds the champion of the common man, one beloved by all. Single-target buffs applied by the wearer to allies radiate outward to apply to up to three additional allies at 50% strength and duration, where applicable -All for One: a subtle hood that obscures the features, masking one's true intent. The wearer gains a portion of the magic power of allies who have active buffs imposed by the wearer -Ars Animo Fingi – translated as 'Arts Unimaginable', this ancient tome is said to contain the sum knowledge of mankind on subjects that truly matter. Increases the duration of statuses imposed by the wearer [b]In-Game Backstory:[/b] Nut's gameplay experience is one colored by his laziness. A lover of strategy games and not really into MMOs, he joined Yggdrasil at the urging of some friends, and chose the easiest and most in-demand role he could think of to play: healer. As he played more, however, he found a hidden side to the healer experience he grew to love: trolling. Being so integral to others' success, he could mess with his allies, let them die or get them killed, and revive them as he pleased. As a result he got more invested in specialization within the game, both PVE and PVP, and he worked to earn more abilities, spells, and jobs that suited him. He didn't even really care about winning or getting the job done, but instead frustrating his opponents and messing up their own tricks and strategies. That mindset resulted in a build that was valuable in a roundabout way, and after falling out with his friends he ended up getting recruited by Ainz Ooal Gown. His bent toward trickery and subversion fit right in there, complimenting the playstyles of other non-optimal builds that needed such support to function properly. This time he fit right in, and while he logged on for only a few hours every few days, his skillset was in demand and his help in clearing high-level content left him with an impressive array of spoils. Though it took a while, he even went as far as to brave the little-desired, little-explored underground desert content known as Nyarlathotep's Luster to gain the ultimate subversive class Entropician on top of his already grind-intense Invoker class.[/hider]