[center] [h1][b][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200406/5d149abf2ba816b2121adb6f016a019a.png[/img][/b][/h1] [/center] Having caught up to Brie, William rested his hands on his thighs to catch his breath. Has Brie always been this fast? Or was it fueled by adrenaline? In any case, he looked up and surveyed the area. A ‘classic’ bathhouse. Marble everywhere. Water in the center. Could it really be this easy? What would they have to do to get through this ‘challenge’? Just as that thought exited his mind, the TV in the room came back on. William looked up, side eyed, and waited for Nero to speak. Nero, in typical fashion, made what essentially is a torture chamber with a hot tube sound grandiose. He then said the word ‘attack’. In that moment, William noticed the glowing eyes. Thats never a good sign. Brie, being the leftover lover like she is, recklessly approached. Squealing about how cute these overgrown, monstrous crocodiles are, William sighed and if they weren’t under a potentially lethal situation, he would have facepalmed. However, he did not have the time nor mind to do that. Seeing Brie nearly have one of her arms torn off, William just shook his hand and sprung forward to pull her close to him. He looked her up and down, to make sure she was not hurt. “Ok. So, we need to incapacitate these things... And I’ll do it, knowing the fact that you don’t want to hurt these things. And no, we’re not keeping them as pets. Dog would not get along with these things nor do we have the space for them to live a good life, in relative terms that is... So. I figure we can drop something heavy on their heads to knock them out?” William said, looking around. “Though, there aren’t anything in particular that I can pick up...” William sighed. “Ok, this is what we’ll do. You, please keep yourself safe and look for a way out. I’ll trap these things in some really strong streams of upwards flowing water, pinning them to the ceiling for the time being...” He said, snapping his fingers once. Several discs of water appeared around the room, one under each of the seven Swampjaws. With a steady exhale, William waved his right arm upwards as streams of water, large enough to lift and contain the majority of the Swampjaw’s bodies, erupted from the floor, occasionally drawing more water from the tub in the center of the room. “Any luck on finding a way out?” [@Danvers]