Adrian stiffened, hearing the footsteps outside the door, ready to leap from the bed, allowing for the very beginning phases of his shift to start. He clamped down on everything upon realizing it was the twins, stopping the start of his shift and reversing. Taking a deep breath, he shut his eyes tightly. This experience had left him so on edge, he only could hope housekeeping didn’t mistakenly come into the room while they were all in there. At this point, he had an attack first ask later mentality. He listened to the twins talk, a mild frown coming over his face. If they were followed, they could’ve been followed back to the hotel. He glanced towards the window briefly, insuring the curtains were close completely, in time to see the twins crawling into bed. They needed their sleep, and so he would let them. He resumed his previous position, looking at the wall like it was the most interesting thing, as his mind drifted off elsewhere. He tried to stay awake until someone else awoke; however, at some point exhaustion wins over his hyper vigilance. The wave of exhaustion hit him like a bag of bricks, and he was asleep in a blink, his body curled around Esme and so Athena, arm draped protectively over the two of them. [@Arista]