From the shadow-lined edge of the alleyway, Édouard smirked as he watched the little tableau play out across the cramped, filthy street before the Black Boar. The golden-haired woman was unspeakably graceful, a delight to watch, as she made short shrift of the smiling man's attempt at something that might have otherwise resembled chivalry - - If, of course, the smiling man's grin weren't so strangely reminiscent of the angry, open-mouthed invitation of a viper. Such fun, these two - but Édouard had business within. Édouard took his chance, pushing off the wall swiftly, his lithe body darting across the street, slipping past them with nary a breeze to mark his passage - though he did tip the brim of his hat to the lady, whether she noted or not (and he rather hoped she didn't - he didn't have near the muscle mass of the smiling man, and that move she did on him [i]definitely[/i] looked like it hurt) - into the loud, bustling interior of the Black Boar. A mass of long, black, braided hair fell down his back, tied from his face by a simple leather thong, all barely kept in place by a jaunty black velvet, wide-brimmed hat, a long ostrich feather bouncing with every purposeful stride of those high, black boots on the inn's floor. The brim fell easily over his eyes, though nothing of the eternal smirk in that sun-browned face was lost to its shadows. A deep purple jacket covered the ivory shirt beneath, falling to mid-thigh of the fine ebony pants. And though Édouard might seem the very epitome of a dandy, the regulars of the Black Boar knew enough to move away swiftly from the path of the slender man, as quick with those blades of his, to skewer an eye or remove a finger, as he was to laughter and drink. But tonight? Tonight Édouard had other pursuits in mind, and his steps took him directly to the woman who was the beginning and ending of all of them. [i]"Madeleine... "[/i] His hand slipped lightly about her small, corseted waist where she stood, speaking with the Black Boar's proprietor behind his bar. His lips nibbled hungrily at the tender, mahogany-colored skin of her neck, the edges of her curled ebony tendrils tickled his nose, scented - even here in this rank place - of exotic fruits and cinnamon. She turned to him in turn, those large, midnight eyes searching his face for a moment before she kissed him softly. "You're late," she whispered, her own Creole accent as warm and thick as his patois. "I was... [i]delayed.[/i] A certain [i]unexpected[/i] matter arose, unwound and undid my plans without the least warning, at the very last second, cut deeply into my time. Truly embarrassing, if I may be frank - but why you should stand here so coy, enjoying my discomfort when I know damn well you witnessed all... " "Because you are so [i]rarely[/i] undone yourself, my dear [i]Édouard[/i] - 'twas a treat to watch, a sight I might savor to my dying day truth be told." "You are [i]cruel,[/i] Madeleine." "I am honest." "'Tis half your charm." "That isn't [i]even[/i] the half of it, and you damn well know it." Édouard laughed, grinning widely as he swung the young woman around, pulling her toward the thick timber stairs leading to the mezzanine above the gaming tables, choosing the shadow-lined edge closest to the rail, a truly perfect vantage above the raucous goings-on of the Black Boar. Madeleine had a moment to wave to the bartender far below, before Édouard pulled the lovely, lush woman to his lap, one hand slipping to the swell of her generous bottom. Madeleine leaned into his embrace, wrapping one arm across his shoulders as she lay her lips against his ear, nibbling softly. [i]"He has a whole gold piece now, you know,"[/i] she said in thick, island-accented French. [i]"I thought he might explode with happiness, the sweet boy. I thought the reale was a bit much, but that... ?"[/i] [i]"I saw,"[/i] Édouard replied in French as well with a sigh, [i]"I wasn't so distracted to miss that, Madeleine."[/i] [i]"I couldn't let him keep it."[/i] [i]"Of course you couldn't. Far too much for a child his age, but... I can find him a tutor, before I leave. Astronomy. Would you do this for me, Madeleine?"[/i] [i]"Astronomy? What in the world are you - "[/i] [i]"Yes. Astronomy. Constellations and the stars in the heavens... Even the Home Star... "[/i] [i]"The Home Star?"[/i] Madeleine giggled softly into his neck, and that sound finally broke the smirk on Édouard's face, his whole body stiffening suddenly. [i]"Oh sweetness,"[/i] she said quickly, cradling the young man's smooth, beardless face in her hand as she turned his eyes to hers, sensing his sudden distress. [i]"Forgive me, I never meant to be cruel... I just... No, no, don't look like that... "[/i] As the bartender set the tankards of grog at their table and retreated back down the stairs, Madeleine kissed Édouard's face, loving small pecks until that smile finally began to return. [i]"Will you do that for me, Madeleine?"[/i] he asked, looking up into her face once more. [i]"Luc should learn to use the sextant and the compass, to chart and navigate and learn astronomy, to follow the course of the skies. If he doesn't follow in his Papa's footsteps and run the Parakeet, perhaps one day he'll pilot a merchant ship then. Good work. Honest work as an educated free man... "[/i] Madeleine studied the young man's face earnestly, for several long moments, before laying her lovely head against his shoulder, cradled against his neck. [i]"Work someday, to keep a woman as precious and lovely as his dear Maman, in silks and jewels and every least thing she could ever wish for and deserve."[/i] Édouard whispered into the soft, matchless darkness of her hair, wrapping his arms about the young woman tightly before releasing her, and reaching with one hand for the tankard of grog. [i]"He should know, one day - "[/i] Madeleine began swiftly as Édouard took one deep drink, and then set the tankard back down with a resounding "no" back to the table. [i]"What should he know, Madeleine?"[/i] the young man asked, with a furious shake of his head. [i]"That the world is an evil, beastly place, full of malice and every manner of ugliness? Oh, have no fear, he'll learn that lesson well enough in time. It's unavoidable, you know."[/i] [i]"But for now? For now it's enough that he knows what every little boy should: that his Maman and his Papa love him dearly; that he is the most brilliant, sweet boy ever walked the Earth. That is enough, Madeleine. Let it be."[/i] Édouard sat back in his chair, pulling the beautiful woman a little closer to him with one arm, the other tipping the brim of his hat back as his grey-eyed gaze fell over the assembled masses below, lighting solely on one laughing, drinking figure below. He had business here this night, after all.