[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/586919188757610505/744646390260563968/Leo.png[/img][/center] [hider=Heart of A Lion][center][h2][color=ed1c24][i][b]K I L A M A N J A R O[/b][/i][/color][/h2][/center] [table][row][cell] [Img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/654438713455149084/736486501579227207/image0.jpg[/img][/cell][cell][Img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/654438713455149084/740560524214927390/20200805_092253.jpg[/img][/cell][/row][row][cell] Name: Kila [right]Alias: Species: Age: Gender: Height:[/right]Personality Traits: Reserved, Wrathful, Iron-Willed, Courageous, Protective [b]Skills:[/b] On the battlefield, there is not much that Kila can’t do. He’s tactically sound, has a fairly precise aim, and is brutal in close quarters combat. He may not be the strongest or the fastest on the team, but he knows where, when, and how to throw his weight around. He also has a knack for determining how to counter his opponents’ skill sets, even mutants. He is known to employ unorthodox strategies and cover his allies' weaknesses with others’ strengths. Kila’s fearlessness could be described like this; He has had staring contests with death and many times, death blinked. Meanwhile, life out of battle, is what Kila has been working on. He hasn’t exactly had a childhood cut out for proper schooling, so it has been a task to read and learn as much as he can. The man can process and comprehend information surprisingly a lot quicker than most to the point that it might as well be a superpower of its own. [center][i][b]Non-Combat Capabilities[/b][/i] [sup][sup]Includes Ja's Skills[/sup][/sup] Planting/Growing Crops Hunting Multilingual Playing Chess Puzzle-Solving Cooking Weather-Forecasting Animal-Taming Lip-Reading Singing/Rapping/Songwriting Skateboarding Climbing Free-Running Dancing Drawing [/center][/cell][cell] Name: Ja Nemean Lion Mutant 25 Male 5'9" Personality Traits: Kind, Comedic, Talkative, Brave, Clever [b]Powers:[/b] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/740128581509709876/744520778858364948/1.png[/img] Ja has the ability to augment his body to enhance his physical strength, speed, and even fly. However, the catch is that it is entirely reliant on his mental state and confidence. If a situation looks too intimidating or scary in his perspective, Ja’s power is going to weaken. If he has belief that he can topple the challenge, or if he has courage, his power will buff. [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/740128581509709876/744520800908083220/2.png[/img] Ja can also communicate with animals of all sorts, from the tallest giraffe to the smallest ant. This in turn, makes it much easier for him to tame them and aid others in terms of their relationships with nature's inhabitants. He can also impose the will of his humanly conscious mind to make them do what he wants, though he doesn't often desire to.[/cell][/row][/table] [b]Biography:[/b] There is much mystery about the person known as both Kila and Ja. However, what is speculated is that KilamanJaro was born in a southern village in Zimbabwe, Africa. He lived with a small family consisting of himself, his amai(mother), and his little sister, Iwesa. For his early years, they lived a pretty average and peaceful life, that is until their village was raided by men who did not like mutants. The men of the village refused to just hand over the little that they’ve had or trade the mutants of their family. In effect, the groups came into conflict when the raiders raised their weapons and fired on the village. In the carnage, KJ managed to escape with his little sister from the scene. Although their amai promised to meet them outside of the village, she never came. So, KilamanJaro took matters into his own hands. From there, he decided to make their way down to South Africa where his father was...or as it seemed that was where he was. It was while they lived down there that he found that his father had died in a war, having apparently been a soldier. It was during the period of living day to day that KJ and Iwesa were taken to work on “Ferguson Farms”, where they tended to gardens. Feisty as he was back then, KJ was recruited by the higher ups within Ferguson to be something of a taskmaster. Apparently, the farm was a front for mercenary work. Although he didn’t want to do the things he was asked to, he thought of the future of Iwesa. After a while, he decided to save the money that he earned from working to afford a ride to America. It was sometime after that voyage though, that he had come into contact with Alexander. [b]Other:[/b] Kila and Ja have no knowledge of each other, despite having the same body. Kila is the chief enforcer of the First Echelon and New Alexandria’s general, that is, when Ja isn’t in the spotlight. Although Kila is clearly an enhanced individual, he can still pass off as human. His physical capabilities are nowhere near Ja’s. The reasoning of this phenomenon is still largely unknown, but it is theorized to have some connection with his currently deceased sister. When it comes to his interactions with animals, Ja has to be careful which he attempts his mental compulsion on. This is because of the fact that too much interaction with them could result in his own instincts taking over. Should that happen, he'd be in a state where he's more bestial than cognizant for a certain amount of time. The compulsion does not work on humans.[/hider]