[color=bdbdbd][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/bqmgxTx.png[/img][/center][hr]Amélie was among the first to arrive at the gathering area, eager to show off her punctuality. It was interested to see the variety of people trickling in, from soldiers to scholars to vagabond mercenaries. It was a motley gathering, to say the least. Were these the people that would go into the Abyss and seal hell's door? Just gathering everybody here seemed like a monumental task. Well, maybe with some training this could form a coherent force... Amélie set herself up proudly, a hand behind her back, her chest puffed outwards and her other hand firmly gripping her spear. She listened intently at the short speech the generals gave, followed by what felt like hours of name calling. Even with the heat being suppressed through God's will, it was still incredibly hot. Sweat glistened across her brow, but she refused to let her stature falter for even a second. One by one - an awfully inefficient system, she thought - the soldiers were called away and divided into their respective companies. Yet as the crowed thinned and her name refused to be called out, she found doubt creeping up her spine like an insidious shadow. Had her commander not sent in the letter? He had promised he had, even though he hadnt agreed with it. No, surely her name would be called out, she just had to wait patiently. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and simply began to recite her order's litany under her breath. [center][color=4766ec]⚜ "Sauve tes peurs Prends ta place Sauve-les pour le jour du jugement Rapide et gratuit Suivez-moi Il est temps de faire le sacrifice Nous montons ou descendons"[/color][/center] And then it was just eight people left. Frowning, Amélie looked around, noting similar confusion among the remaining recruits. Called along with the last remaining general, Amélie joined the remaining group; still uncertain of what was going on. She took stock of the motley crew remaining, some looked like grizzled soldiers, others like they'd never been in a fight in their lives. Listening intently to Virgil's explanation, it did little to dissuade Amélie's confusion regarding the situation, though thankfully she wasnt the only one having trouble understanding the need for the secrecy. There was no secret regarding the fact that every soldier, doctor or vagabond gathered in this town had come here for any other reason than to descend into the abyss. [color=4766ec]"For duty and honor, you have my full coopération!"[/color] Amélie barked, proudly pushing her chest forwards. [color=4766ec]"I will bring the full might of the Chevaliers de Lyonesse down on any who oppose our great light!"[/color] [/color]