[quote=The Nexerus] Crimea doesn't have anything to do with the United States. Russia's entry into Crimea was illegal, their continued occupation is illegal, and the referendum in Crimea, regardless of whether or not you personally consider it fair, is also inarguably illegal. [/quote] Not to mention: last I checked the US more often than not shops for support in the UN before waving its dick around. Or for the most part has been of the result of earlier UN resolutions. With a part of Iraq stemming from the effects of [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resolution_1441]Resolution 1441[/url] and Afghanistan had [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Security_Assistance_Force]ISAF[/url] as a part, which were UN-approved moves that laid the basic foundation to invade later. But even in these cases it's not like we have American soldiers standing around outside native military bases as we see to a Referendum to make either nation a full state of the US as is Russia is doing. So yea, the comparisons are pretty lose.