[quote=@Disdain] *Gasps when the first portrait disappears, and raises Vita, an energy-dispersive Crystal Matrix forming across the blade of the sword to dissipate the Amaranthine into other-dimensional space; meanwhile, I use my now-safe contact with the sword to push against you, locking your blade with mine* You villain! Dismissing real, deeply involved [i]artistry[/i] simply because it's travelling in an inconvenient direction toward yourself? For that, you deserve to be unable to view real art. Shadow Matrix: Heresy! *Shadow billows from my mouth as my eyes grow dark and it fills the area around you, highly decreasing both physical sensory input and information input to magical awareness* [/quote] *highly corrosive and corruptive Amaranthine flows from my body like a viscous gas, eating away at any sort of energy, magical or otherwise, that the shadow may have* Abel: you struggle against the amaranthine. true to your kind, Lesser. *fires a blast of amaranthine energy at you, forcing its way through the shadow like a bullet through water*