So it has been a very long time since I have been on here. So I will just jump in. I am looking for roleplay partners who are 18+, this is a strict requirement of mine. My roleplays are adult in nature when it comes to violence, romance, and action. If you enjoy fading to black, then we are certainly not a match. I also only play females as my main character, another important thing I'd like to throw out there. I prefer my roleplays to have romance, however not immediately. That is unless it is called for when it comes to plot. I have many plots ready if you'd like a gander. However, I am happy to construct fresh plots as well. I enjoy input no matter what. It is highly encouraged and I prefer to know your ideas. My roleplays range from 1-8+ paragraphs depending on what is going on. You do not have to match mine, just give me something decent to work with. So if all of this sounds like something you'd enjoy feel free to message me. What I am currently interested in are listed below. I am, however, open to a lot right now since it has been so long. Anyways, onto my cravings. * what I'd like to do most Witch X Knight* Werewolf X Witch* Princess X Knight Hand Maiden X Knight Witch X Prince Werewolf X Elf Mermaid X Human Alien X Human* Scientist X Experiment Werewolf X Human* Teacher X Student (college)* Doctor X Patient Priestess X Priest* Queen X Knight Kidnapper X Kidnappee Future Medieval Historcal Modern Fantasy Apocalyptic Post Apocalyptic LOTR {Cannon or OC} Star Wars {Cannon or OC, OC Preferred } True Blood Sabrina