[img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180106/78c18e4272a198c1ef32a09caa417970.png[/img] Name: Ursa Cooper Age: 26 Picture: [Hider][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/398263799116726293/398345518490583050/a293340cb9ca02e4773b7174fee6602f.png[/img][/Hider] Race: Martian Homeworld: Mars Homegalaxy:Milky Way Skills: Ursa is smart, well read, inventive and street savvy. She isn't a strong talker, but when she works out a plan or strategy it usually is foolproof. Aside from her personal traits, she has incredibly proficient aim when it comes to shooting. Whether it be a bow and arrow or a gun, she is a great shot. She also is an impeccable pilot who is very familiar with hyperspace lanes, hidden spaceports, and mapping out deep space. Bio: Ursa was born on Mars in the small town of Clint under Maria and Edgar Cooper. Edgar was a Mecha-engineer for an intergalactic space agency called 'Brixton Weaponry.' Maria was a local nurse and med-tec. For a time they lived a usual life until Ursa turned seven and came home to find her parents gone, their clothes and close belongings missing as well. After a week of being alone, a neighbor came over and Ursa was put into the foster care system, moving to different planets until she was 14 where she ran away from her foster parents and snuck aboard a ship, hoping to get dropped off on a spaceport. She was caught though, by an old smuggler by the name of Jerry Wilkins. For the next couple years, she was taken on as a young apprentice/crewmate and learned how to smuggle, shoot and steal. Four years later Jerry gave one of his ships and a crew to Ursa and with that she took off becoming one of the largest smugglers in the underworld, smuggling millions of dollars, food, resources and people through the different planets all while escaping the authorities who have set a bounty for 10,000,000 kredits. Personality: Awkward. Ursa talks way too often, usually as a means to get herself out of a jam. Whilst on her ship you wouldn't peg her as the captain but rather a deck hand or crew mate because she usually has her head stuck in a book. Most people undermine or underestimate her due to her look and quirky personality but she understands people very well and has a habit of saying what is exactly on her mind whether it be rude or ignorant. She also has her own code for life. She doesn't like killing people or fighting, but she will if necessary, and she also doesn't see anything wrong with stealing. If you kill someone you are too stupid to think of another option and if you are going to steal, you have to be smart enough to get away with it. Weaponry: [Hider=Her Betty's] Ursa carries two beautiful Beretta's Specifically Beretta 92FS Inox "9mm Sword Cutlass". She mostly uses them for intimidation but if necessary she has introduced her girl's to a few unlucky people who dared to cross her or get in her way. [img]http://www.imfdb.org/images/d/d7/SwordCutlass9mm.jpg[/img][/hider] Other: She has a few homes on various space outposts and her number one ship is the [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/20/10/b3/2010b3f44546e2f27c7993b208c519bc.jpg]S.S. Ranger[/url] named after the ship of her favorite pirate. Charles Vane. Theme song: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxIsmbVZuSI]Theme Song[/url]