[img]http://i1053.photobucket.com/albums/s475/MrAzuryZ/Untitled-2_zps982a4f2c.jpg[/img] After having stood completely still like a statue in both shape and scale, because what could describe a nameless and gigantic figure such as him unless he a statue. Whilst people should know his legends and tales from biblical stories across many universes and dimensions. Suddenly some supposedly clueless female figure appeared and spoke to him, due to his war torn body he was unable to hear her untill she spoke about some ''ugly robot'' He turned and immedietly towered above her, his piercing eyes would have almost paralized her if she was a normal female, however as clueless as she seemed she'd just jump around aimlessly. ''I am Conquestus, God of Conflict...'' His voice covered the entire area and seemed to flow with the wind, letting everyone around the area hear his wartorn and experienced tone of speech, yet it was distorted as if he was a spirit trying to speak, his voice sounded truly demonic more then angelic, as was expected by someone like him. ''Speak your purpose...'' He commanded coldly, the voice of a leaderly figure and a knowledgable tactician and strategist covered the entirity of his voice. The armored plates of which nearly covered his entire body seemed to expell some kind of blue and red mist, it all floated towards the sky in a beautiful yet terrifying formation and mixture of colors and shapes along the pillar of mist which originates from his armor plates. Continuing to blaze his gaze down upon her he took in his surroundings at the same time, inside the temple of which he didn't deserve to enter there were quite the few figures, apparently he was the only one figure who was to unholy to enter such a great temple, truly, the only temples of which he was able to enter was those who were made to worship him and his own personal fortress cathedral. He gazed seemingly through the temple and spotted an angered deity, the downed fighter pilot, she would need to cope her emotions to ascend into power levels such as his own, because without doubt he was the strongest here when it came to a duel, which would occure, given time, conflict does always appear, no matter what you do to conceal and keep it from happening. He spotted some kind of dragon connected man, obviously a form of divinity and a deity of complexity. An interesting mix, since the deity of complexity was acting more one-sided than what complexity stands for, he guessed the dragon deity must be quite the figure. With the titans shield in hand and the sword on his back he looked back at the tiny woman, standing as still as ever.