Name: Orion Steiner Age: 28 Race: Human Home Planet: Valoria- A jungle and oceanic planet with a hot and humid climate with large monsoons every year. Skills: Telepathy- but usually only used sparingly as it depletes energy and may create a permanent bond or temporarily change Orion’s Psyche for a short time. Slicer- adept at cracking codes, bypassing electronics including hands on repairs. Big Guns- proficient with large weapons on vehicles or handheld, and proficient while moving and shooting. Medic-adept at healing basic battlefield wounds Politician-very good with his words and is able to charm people aristocracy. Hobbies: Cooking, Listening to orchestral music in Zero G, Wrenching on equipment in the cargo hold. Gambling on the Solaris matches. Job: Spy/Trader/Political Influencer Rank: Star Colonel officially, but otherwise no rank. Likes: Friendly critters, challenging himself, riding his hoverbike. Dislikes: Rulons, Cold other than that found in space. Appearance: Brown hair, athletic build but beginning to lift heavy. Tends to wear a bomber jacket with his former squad on it. 21st Centauri Lancers. Usually has a small slider pack hidden away near a hold out laser pistol. Reserves his full regalia for important events or meetings. Other: Uses a smaller fighter/freighter to get around but his hidden drop ship contains a star of battlemechs and equipment for mounting on objects with minimal mods. Large collection of rare and difficult to source weapons. Has a secret source account should he require funds. Is depressed about being unable to return home, depressed that he has trouble with women and tends to turn to drink to dull his pain. Many of his family and friends have already been tortured or eliminated so he tends to distance himself from becoming too close to others. His depression is kept in check by tending to his pet Dilophosaurus (slick) and robot bodyguard/copilot. ACE (automated computerized entity) Backstory: Originated from a planet once at war with an alien outer rim race called the Rulons. There is an uneasy truce at the moment. The planet is populated by dinosaur like creatures; the human race use a form of telepathy to create bonds with these animals and mount weapons on them or use them for labour while the Rulons use brute force and nefarious tactics. The war is not going well for the humans and Orion who is the son of one of the ruling parties was sent out to safety and to stay clear should the inevitable occur. He has used his influence and notoriety when he was a breadwinner in the Solaris matches to begin garnering support and create political trade and assistance when the time is needed for his family. This has led to run ins with disgruntled Rulon agents.