[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200404/7741218ef169e6076b8c3ddf4bcf7842.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/6P9it0q.png[/img] [sub]Mentions: [color=b22222]Sol[/color] [@Venus][/sub][/center] After Sol stormed out, Leo’s room felt emptier- colder almost. Even as argumentative and sullen as he was, the boy still couldn’t stand fighting with his friends, and the girl’s words rang clear and ever-repeating in his ears for a long while after she left. [i][color=B22222]"Good luck having lost one of the few people here who really had your back.”[/color][/i] He still couldn’t believe that they had lost their collective shit over their trivial love lives. Leo thought Sol was better than that… he thought [i]he[/i] was better than that. She had some valid points, and he would take ownership of his mistakes, but he still had a hard time processing that she had the inability to acknowledge her own faults. He sat on his bed in deep thought for so long that it took the pumping bass coming from the first floor to take Leo out of his thoughts. As the dark haired boy snapped out of his trance, he noticed his bleeding knuckles dripping down onto the carpet. Cursing to no one in particular, he sauntered over to the bathroom to clean himself up and get ready. The promise of alcohol was enticing and fueled his desire to get over what had just happened and enjoy his night of teenage delinquency at the party. [i][color=B22222]“I hope you have fun at that stupid party they tried hard to keep a secret from you because the majority of the kids in our class didn't want you to go because they can't fucking stand you,"[/color][/i] As he watched his white sink stain red, Leo grumbled to himself [color=Ed1414]“I [i]will[/i] have fun at that party, Sol. Just you see.”[/color] Finding some bandages stocked in his cabinet, he meticulously wrapped his knuckles before fixing his hair and examining his outfit one last time for good measure. His momentary lapse of all sense of self control had come and gone, and now it was time for Leo to [sub]try and[/sub] enjoy himself. Shutting the door loudly behind him, Leo strutted down the hallway to the beat of the music that pounded below his feet- upbeat and carefree. He bounded down the stairs instead of taking the elevator, sliding down the last flight of stairs via the railing and making his way to where the source of sound was coming from. The boy had arrived late evidently, as many people were already sipping on coolers and other various alcohol beverages. He quickly found his way over to the drinks and perused his options before spotting the Jägermeister and Red Bull and settling for a Jägerbomb to get the evening going. Spice was chased by sweet energy as he took a shot and immediately went for another. Sober Leo was cruel and cocky, harsh and domineering. [i]Drunk[/i] Leo… well we’ll find out what he’s like, won’t we?