[quote=@Expolar] Well I meant more of the backstory stuff than mechanic things in the character sheet. Again, I do enjoy surprises and reveals of what a character, PCs or NPCs, can do. But know our each other's backstory could be helpful as perhaps it could help probably build some prior connection a two or more characters before or when they started working with the guild. Officially released 5e books and Unearthed Arcana (beta testing stuff as mentioned) sources are cool with me. [/quote] Sounds good, as long as you guys are comfortable with character building I'll just have the backstories be mandatory. That way we can have a little suspense about the party. xD [@Idea] Haha you're the first one to like idea 1, no pun intended lol. I personally like exp, especially with the way im going to modify most monsters. But if you guys like milestones, we can level after each quest. Since each quest will take a minute on a forum pbp rp. Yes, I can easily set up a shop npc and would be delighted if you wanted to actually do that lol.(buying and selling items) I wasn't aware of ravnica, but as long as I can get the information on what they added, anyone can use that content. I'm more concerned with everyone having fun more than being a purist. That being said, I won't be like " it's okay to be ninja guys"! But if you're a paladin who can use a fireball spell, I wont mind. [@Borosev] Yes, it depends on the character. I'm flexible so it should be okay. What did you have in mind for a homebrew? [quote=@Expolar] Still thinking of other character ideas: One that have not done yet and would like to try is elf who grew up in a wealthy family. But he would find the lifestyle and expectations of following the family business to be very uninteresting, especially if he has to do it most of his life. This life of his spanning longer than most people who are not elves and wanting to find something else to do with it than business is probably what brought him to the guild to discover what that may be. For the class he would play as, probably fighter or wizard as I want to have a bit of a battle mage feel. The other being a inquisitive rogue tiefling who is simply trying to save money to help his younger brother and sister with finances as their working parents are missing. During this time he tries to find out what happened to their parents who mysteriously vanished. [/quote] I like the way you think explorar. personally I find either great. One wants to grow without his parents help and the other is trying to save his family as the new head of the household. I personally enjoy both routes as they have entirely different energies. :3