Unbeknownst to the teal haired woman and the elf looking guy, Xael was listening into their conversation the entire time they were talking, as well as when the guy was using his vidcom. Vidcoms were common among most creatures, except for maybe the lower class. But they were the simplest way to communicate. Their conversation was pretty interesting. Mob type stuff it sounded like. With this in mind, Xael tried to be discreet about listening in. Things sounded pretty interesting, and before she knew it, Xael had finished her drink. A waitress came by, asking if she could refill it, but Xael shook her head and declined, giving the woman some money to pay for the lone drink. After the waitress left, Xael watched as the teal haired woman approached her table, book in hand. She dropped in gently onto the table, and spoke. [color=00a99d]“Hi. Noticed you were looking at it. I finished so..enjoy.”[/color] Xael looked at the woman, slightly surprised, but thanked her. [color=7ea7d8]"Thank you. Not many people read anymore..."[/color] Instead of responding though, the woman simply walked off into the back booths. Xael's brow furrowed together, confused. With this confusion, she got up from her seat and followed the woman into the back. She was unsure if she was allowed back there, but went anyways. [color=7ea7d8]"Wait! Let me repay you for the book at least?"[/color] As she approached the [url=https://static.wixstatic.com/media/50381e_c13601b47ace473ca516cd3f7fe36465~mv2_d_4032_3024_s_4_2.jpg/v1/fill/w_295,h_355,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/1B24D01C-FB0E-4BDA-B36B-4738D334B81C_JPG.webp]private booth[/url], the elf guy, the woman, and another guy were speaking, sounding like they were making a deal, or trying to. [color=7ea7d8]"Oh. Uh, sorry I'll go..."[/color]