Kyiriniae'aea crouched down beside the child and wove her fingers beguiling before its eyes, stilling its cries as she wove a magical somnolence to quiet the baby. She had no particularly maternal instincts but if it started caterwauling at the right time it might disrupt her plan. With silence assured, she stood up and straightened her dress, preparing herself for the next step. There was some danger involved but she wasn't going to establish herself in this forest by timidity. She closed her eyes and wove a second spell. *Blink* The tall elf appeared in the flames as the Gundarogs chanted. Stepping quickly from the fire before it could catch. None the less a few of the fibres and the tips of her hair smoked and sizzled though she kept any cry from her lips so as not to spoil the illusion. The the Gundarogs it appeared as though she had been birthed from the flames in response to their chanting. Moving far enough from the fire to be safe she spread her arms akimbo to appear as impressive as she could. "Why have you ventured out under the accursed sun?" she demanded in tone of oratorical command. The back-lighting from the fire made her appear shadowed and featureless. "Why have you left the tunnels and forsaken the search for my brethren?" she demanded.