Blaze witnessed the gigantic figure that towered over the woman he just met and inevitably him as well, since he was right next to her. With that he confirmed that the armor is alive. "I hate it when I am right..." he muttered. He was enormous. His shadow covered all of them and his eyes were intimidating to stun even the most brave of the warriors. His thick armor was worn out from what it seemed to be thousands, even millions of battles, indicating his experience. Blaze couldn't help but think that this deity might be stronger than himself, a thing he made him feel uneasy, considering he had to protect three people. He would suggest for the others to run, but he thought it would be best not to seperate from him, since he didn't know the abilities of that thing. While Blaze was thinking of what would be the best course of action, the entity introduced itself as Conquestus, the Deity of Conflict. The sheer sound of his voice annoyed Blaze due to his sensitive hearing. "The Deity of Conflict, he says...How am I supposed to defeat someone who is born for battles?" he thought. His thoughts were once again interrupted by Conquestus, who continued: "Speak your purpose..." Is he calm? Is he angry? Of course, almost everyone would be angry if someone stepped on them, more so if they had a reputation such as his. He also didn't give of a "nice to meet you" impression. Blaze took the initiative to talk to Conquestus. He stepped in front of the woman and said: "I am the Dragon Child, Blaze. I apologize if the lady insulted you, but she was unaware of your identity and of the fact that you were alive. We were brought here, probably like you were. We do not intend to cause a conflict, so please accept my apology." He thought that it was ironic to use ironic the world "conflict" to the Deity that represented it. He hoped that his choice of words would calm the Deity down and ensure everybody's safety.