[quote=Darkraven] My condolences to your health. It really depends on your constitution and the strength of your immunity.I consider myself to be quite resistant, and history has proven it thus far. I recover from fevers within half a day up to a day. I once suffered sun stroke/heat exhaustion from running 17.5km under the hot sun, and it took me half a day to recover enough such that I wasn't miserable from being uncomfortable (this one's really funny because I went to uni and attended a lecture feeling miserable and suicidal from the suffering and while I was on the way home, I got better on the train ride home and was suddenly smiling and playing Plants VS Zombies 2 and buying all kinds of food for dinner after. There was even a moment I could remember that I stopped feeling awful and started feeling good. I was like recovering on the go! In computer game terms it's like regenerating health XD XD XD).As for flu though, it's oddly hard to recover from for such an inconsequential disease (at least for me. flu hard affects me). It took me normally 1-2 weeks to recover from it.Anyway, if things get difficult for you to write and post something, you could always get it up on the collab page and get people to help (such as fixing typos and grammar errors). I would be willing to help. [/quote] Same here. :-) no problem helping edit.