Celes looked at Spruce, before hearing all the commotion starting to calm down outside with Archie and Arnold speaking. She looked outside, seeing thing having calmed down and that the chaos was gone there. She sighed in relief. Seriously, it was a miracle that those 2 could calm down such a chaotic place so easily. She would have expected them to try to calm the crowd and failed cause of how agitated they were, but they actually did it. The both of them calmed a crowd of angry people like that. She was surprised that there was not more damage then there was right now. She looks at Spruce, thinking. "Sure.... why not. Would be better then just trying to find a team and being rejected everywhere..." she says. She then froze just there, her sense reacting again as a ghastly pass by the window, flying away. She shakes her head. Always on her guards with ghost types... but it was getting pretty annoying to have to do that. She looks at the magnemite and the fact that he kinda locked the door using his magnets. She sighed calmly. She guessed that it was a bit too much magnetic energy in the air and that what was happening. Lucky she did not have anything metallic on her right now. This ribbon did not have any metallic pins in it, only string and maybe some wood.... nothing much. Seriously, it would cause much more problems if that magnemite was at her house. The number of metal framed items in there.... "So... where do you want us to go Spruce? Any plan's now that the chaos outside subsided." she then says.