[color=9950ff][h1]Iris Aderast[/h1][/color] Breakfast was pretty good. Iris listened to some [url= https://youtu.be/ivL9Hd7mn_k]jams[/url] as she scarfed down some pancakes that Lark made...nice. She didn’t pay much attention to who her room was gonna be shared with, after all, she wasn’t bunking with them, they were bunking with [i]her.[/i] Iris grew up in this house and knew every inch of it, Dakota and Reb were the outsiders, so she was gonna have to do some rearranging when she got done eating. Her books, her golem books, her altar...Oh yeah, the altar. Iris was a little smelly, staying outside all night to sleep and getting blood on her hands didn’t make a girl smell very nice, she could really use a shower. She looked off to some other part of the eating place to see Dakota all perky and taking with some attractive girl, be more specific Iris, she was almost done with her pancakes, actually, where was Hana? Oh well, didn’t matter. While she was enjoying some cakes made in pans, Corvus was “asleep” in her pocket, his heart was currently uncharged and therefore Corvus lay dormant in the pocket of her Jeot...her jean coat. She could recharge him at any time by giving him a little boost to magic energy later when the important part of the day was settled.