[table][row][cell][color=#FF003F]Kuroki Kiyuusagi[/color][/cell][cell][color=#FF003F]"You've got a lotta nerve! I got you right in my sights."[/color][/cell][/row][row][cell][sup][color=#2E2C2C]_______________________________________________[/color][/sup] [img]https://i.imgur.com/HTcwkwn.jpg?1[/img][/cell] [cell]Kuroki left the Hokage's office with a frown and clenched teeth. Being assigned a genin team wasn't the end of the world, but it wasn't what he was expecting. With everything he'd been hearing, he'd expected to be out roughing it for a week or more in the Northern wilderness watching for moves at the border. It was doubly disappointing because he wanted to try growing a wilderness beard. He could imagine coming back to the village as if he'd been on some long journey and his girlfriend (a tall leggy blonde Yamanaka who, to his knowledge, didn't exist) would run up and throw her arms around him and he'd scoff and look away and spit on the ground. It was a satisfying image, but one that wouldn't happen now. Well... he was sure he'd find a way around it, even without the girlfriend. Whatever. And anyway, he couldn't think about whether or not he could get a girlfriend before his next away mission. He was, at this moment, assigned to meet and chaperone some dumb Kumo ambassador. Why they'd picked him for this job was anybody's guess, but Kuroki was gonna make the most of it. Show him a little Konoha hospitality. The nice thing about meeting and greeting was that you could charge the Konoha expense account for... uh... meals and entertainment. He grinned inwardly to himself as he walked down the road to the gates with his hands in his pockets. Yeah, okay. It looked like it wouldn't be so bad a day after all. [color=#FF003F][b]"Hey! You're the Kumo guy"[/b][/color], he said, cocking his head a little sideways and popping his eye at the boy, who was quite a bit younger than he was expecting even from his picture, [color=#FF003F][b]"I'm yer chaperone, get it?"[/b][/color] This ambassador hadn't waited at the gates either. He was strolling into Konoha like he owned the place! Keh! Cocky Kumo shinobi don't even have any respect as outsiders! Then again, he was still a kid. Probably not any older than he was. Didn't know any better, probably. [color=#FF003F][b]"I'll bet yer hungry after yer trip. I'm gonna take you to the best spot in town, unless you're too tired. Up to you"[/b][/color], he said, crossing his arms. [/cell][/row][/table]