Central Processing Facility Nova Prospekt Argutus Caligula opened his holoterminal and entered his security details before waving his hand over the bioscanner. The AI spoke in it's deep, masculine rumble akin to an extremely deep voiced man ""Obvius Dato Cogitatio de in die: Stultus homo spem suam ponit in fortuna, logica spem suam ponit in a sapiente delectus ((A foolish man puts his trust in luck, the wise man puts his trust in logic))" It rumbed, and Caligula nodded and tapped in several commands, and then spoke "Relatio ((Report))" He ordered, and the AI responded just a few moments later in it's deep, raucous voice "Praelatus Meus, possibilitatem de cohibentem de alpha liques confirmatus ((My Superior, the possibility of limiting the Alpha Strain confirmed))" It grumbled, and Caligula nodded before speaking in his aged voice once more "Ostende ((Show))" He replied, and the report popped up on the hologram, sorting into a format so he might read it most fluently and easily, the characters arranging quickly. To: Argutus Prime Caligula From: Argutus Gaius Subject: Limiting Alpha Strain Content: The subjects we have tested on have shown that it is possible to limit the Alpha Strain to make them more easily controlled, and then reestablish all their qualities when they are turned into Synths. This will allow us to mold the Alpha Strain rather than rely on outright controlling them, which might lead to their absorption into the Greater Good. Alternatively, if the Alpha Strain proves troublesome we can ensure their loyalty through memory replacement. Regardless, the tests showed that a Saeva Simius Auctum could easily take on multiple limited individuals of the Draconian Species, allowing us to limit the Alpha Strain. Interestingly, they showed many signs of Genetic Engineering and it appears they had been engineering themselves. While we already knew this, it was to a further extent than we expected. Because of this, we are simply reverting an unnatural course in there history, and thus any form of morals on the subject can be quickly caste aside. Unsurprisingly, the edits to the DNA you suggested would result in an easy to control Alpha Strain, which can then be used to form a base species to make Synthesis more resource effective than relying on cloning them. Out of the Ten subjects, Subjects #1 and #8 expired after we limited them. #1 was unable to adapt, #8 was amputated by Synth Soldier 59128 after he attempted to escape. 59128 has not been punished as he was unaware the subject had been limited, resulting in a response that would have merely incapacitated a Standard Draconian killing the Limited Individual.