The large plasma cloud that Orion pointed to made Ursa squirm, her voice slightly scratchy, "[color=00a99d]Probably could get through it, but the ship doesn't need the extra damage.[/color]" With Orion putting in some coordinates and setting the ship to autopilot Ursa changed the temperature back to normal before she stood up, stretching slightly. She rubbed her neck, "[color=00a99d]I suppose I can take first watch..I am still burning off some energy from the chase.[/color]" She watched as Orion took off with Ace and walked over to her hat turning it around so that she could push her bangs out of her face before she looked over at Xael, "[color=00a99d]Thanks for the directions, and the ship. I know having us bums join you probably wasn't what you were planning today.[/color]" She gave the girl a once over, wanting to mention what happened earlier with her eyes when she figured she should go check on Cel. He was her friend after all and he seemed to be struggling with something physically. She pointed to the door, "[color=00a99d]I'm just gonna go check on long locks. Want to keep an eye out for a few minutes.[/color]" At Xael's response she smiled walking towards the hallway connecting the cockpit to the weapons station, "[color=00a99d]Cel? You all..CEL?[/color]" She looked over to see Cel with thick black hair and a gold alien-like shimmering just near him. She pulled out one of her guns and narrowed her eyes, "[color=00a99d]GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HIM JACKASS! You don't know me but I can promise you I am one hell of a good shot. So unless you want one between the eyes. I suggest to you. STEP. BACK.[/color]" She was deadly serious, and the creature seemed to take her warning honestly before it leaned down slowly towards Cel. She prepared to shoot it as it prepared to strike her but instead it began to fuse into Cels form. She watched in silence before it disappeared inside her friend, "[color=00a99d]What the f..[/color]" As soon as it was gone she re-sheathed her weapon and ran to Cel falling to her knees as she rolled him onto his back pushing his hair out of his face, and leaning his head back so she could feel for a breath, "[color=00a99d]You better not be little. Oh, thank Cthulu.[/color]" She put her ear to his chest, sighing when she heard a heartbeat. She sat up resting a hand on her knee as she looked over him, leaning down to tap his cheek, "[color=00a99d]Cel?? Handsome?? If you wake up now I'll show ya my jugs??[/color]" Cel would probably be over the moon for that or at least disturbed by her use of the word jugs, but he didn't seem to hear her, meaning he was completely out of it. She pulled off Orion's jacket and placed it under his head as she stood up moving back towards the cockpit. She called out to Xael, "[color=00a99d]Hey Xael? Uh.. Cel is passed out in the hallway, and I think, mind you not being dead sober, that a gold alien being just was vacuumed into his body. Do you have a med bay or can you help him? I'm worried..[/color]" She motioned the girl over, looking down at Cel as she placed her head on his forehead to feel his temperature, "[color=00a99d]He feels cold, but that may be because of the temperature.[/color]" She didn't lie to Xael she was worried. She didn't love Cel like a brother, but as criminal relationships go, they had a solid one. She didn't want to see him hurt. She looked over at Xael, "[color=00a99d]I'm gonna go let Orion know what's happened. Just in case we have another stowaway hiding on here. Can you stay with him? Okay..I'll be right back.[/color]" She headed down the hallway, unsure where to go when she heard some music. She followed it, pausing as the voice of a woman could be heard inside. She was about to interrupt when she realized it was a recording. She waited until the second song played before she came in, walking over to find Orion about to fall asleep, "[color=00a99d]Yo...Sexy pants. Sorry to ruin your sleep but Cel just fell unconscious and an alien-looking motherfucker just leeched into him. I don't know if there are more of them on this ship, but I figured I should tell you. Xael's with him now but I don't know if she has any med skills?[/color]"