[center][img] https://fontmeme.com/permalink/181218/578538e83c8e1f1e49ce45dd78459916.png [/img] [hr][/center] In terms, Narvia was awe-inspired by the Galactic Bazaar's size, which was massive compared to what she had to deal with previously. It had a specific nature to it, which was here to spend your money, even though she didn't have that much to spend. Her experience was definitely lacking in terms of where she lived for most of her life, then the rest of it is in the Dragon's Brigade Fleet. If it wasn't for the fact she was with the other child soldiers on this trip to get back at the Ascendancy and find people she wants to interact with. Only one thing went through her mind, which was what Nikolas told her last. Nikolas's final words to her, [I][color=6495ED]'Please be safe, my goddaughter since you mean everything to your mother and I.'[/color][/i] These final words always go through her head, made her smile whenever thinking back on what he said. Even though he was a cryptic military genius, he always had the honesty to defend his family within his brigade. [hr] When everyone in the group started talking about food, specifically Ashton and Finbarr, it made her stomach grumble, and realized how long they've been walking for. She felt a bit embarrassed because this is the first time she felt hungry in a long time. The Dragon's Brigade Fleet had spoiled her for food and many things to try her cooking talents on. She decided to speak up finally, after remembering she needs to speak too. [color=FFB6C1]"I'm also famished if anything, I would rather take a food shuttle than walking any further because my feet hurt too from all the walking. This place is remarkable but massive."[/color] She spoke with a kind, gentle tone of always herself. It does help; she's always this way no matter what, the kind and gentle soul of innocence. Narvia is the shortest person in the child soldiers, but that's primarily because of what happened to her exactly. If anything, she's not really fussed about being short since there are much taller people in this group to help her with things she cannot reach. However, she was 17 years old and had a definite child-like innocence still intact. It took her to recognize that the most cautious of the group relented finally, which was Flame. He had that air about him, always better to be safer than sorry. She followed the group into the shuttle, which she was awed at how much food there was. If anything, she has definitely had a smile on her face. [color=FFB6C1]"Oh my, that's a selection..."[/color] She spoke with definite happiness to her tone. It took her a bit to select what she wanted since the selection was big for a food shuttle. However, she picked out mixed vegetables, a pork chop, and mashed potatoes with brown gravy with green tea. She got seated near her compatriots with the plate of food, which was a pretty interesting plate. Her green eyes were beautifully sparkling at the food she has gotten. She missed this meal at dinner time, but it is the first time eating it, not at dinner. If anything, she was much happier with the food in front of her since it made her remember the simpler times with her two different families. This would be her third family, which felt a bit odd. However, she heard a specific ding from her omnitool, the Enigma Codex. It caused her to sigh and see what it was about, with a small message on something a bit too vague and cryptic to understand. This meant the Enigma Codex was still receiving mission parameters, no matter what. [color=FFB6C1][i]'Seriously? Still sending me mission parameters even though the war is over unless this is about something else. But, I have no idea... since my godfather is too cryptic sometimes.'[/i][/color] She thought with an odd look, specifically about something she saw. The only good thing about this whole thing, the Enigma Codex is only for her eyes since it makes it look like a jumbled mess of symbols and numbers to anyone else. She turned off her omnitool so she can eat what she got. As such, she giggled when she hears what Tarak said to Samuel and Iris. Their sweet tooth was insane, which no offense she also had a sweet tooth, but she didn't really want to get sweets right now. [color=FFB6C1]"Oh yeah, don't want to overspend on things... but those twins are cute with their candy obsession."[/color] She spoke towards Tarek, with an absolute smile on her face. It definitely was grateful when Ashton said dig into the food since she was definitely hungry. [sub][@Letter Bee][@Th3King0fChaos][@dragonpiece][/sub]