[hider=Ariel][b]Name:[/b] Ariel Sin [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Physical Description:[/b] [hider][img] https://i.imgur.com/rr77BSr.png [/img][/hider] [b]Important items:[/b] Backpack - Its plain white design is bereft of aesthetics and most ergonomic features, but thoroughly protects the contents of its numerous compartments from heat, water, electromagnetic fields, and all manner of potential hazards. A biometric lock secures its contents from theft. Stunner - A less-lethal electroshock weapon that transmits electricity to its target by ionising air into conductive plasma, incapacitating them for as long as the trigger is held down. Ineffective in vacuums except at point-blank range, and against Kaisoken and Tayanen. As a smart weapon with Ariel being the only authorised user, anyone else trying to use it will just get a shock and a loud alarm for their troubles. Baton - A lightweight expanding model, inconspicuously pocket-sized when collapsed and half a metre long at its most extended. Equipped with electrodes for stun capability. Omni-tool - Far too indispensable a tool to go without in 25th century society. Wallet - A slim box-like container, containing cash, bank cards, stored-value credit sticks, various forms of identification, and the occasional miscellaneous trinket. Currently holds a total of two hundred Galactic Credits in hard currency, and double that amount on prepaid sticks. A biometric lock secures its contents from theft. Medkit - The advanced nanomachines and pharmaceuticals contained within allow for the basic treatment of all manner of injuries and ailments, even without training. [b]Short Bio:[/b] Ariel’s parents are called Indra and Elia. They both work as researchers, at the Earth–Moon L[sub]4[/sub] University and a company called Aion respectively. She is the younger of two children, with a sister six years her senior. It is a parent’s duty to seek the best for their children: and so, before Ariel was even conceived, her parents underwent rigorous cutting-edge therapies and procedures to ensure that she would receive the best that her parents could offer. She would not be ‘perfect’ — that was a subjective term loaded with undue expectations for a child, and to speak in such absolutes would be haughty — but ‘the best she could be’, in mind, body, and spirit. This meant nanomedicine, genetic engineering, nootropics in safe and moderated doses, optimised dietary intake, and more. Aware of the equal importance of “nurture” in raising a child, they gave her their utmost love and affection, in a well-tailored yet dynamic environment that still allowed her the freedom to socialise and explore. Ariel was allowed to roam and interact with whoever she pleased in school — after all, the best pedagogy had been employed to educate her on the most effective methods to handle social situations, backed by current evidence. Ariel’s life was one of privilege and opportunity in every facet. An ideal childhood, with a family who always did their best so that their youngest daughter could do the same. Unsurprisingly identified as ‘gifted’ from a young age, Ariel was put in advanced classes, then accelerated to an early graduation. She was well-adjusted and formed strong, lasting social connections, much to her family’s pleasure; she was physically in the peak of health, and kept fit through regular exercise and a good diet. But before long, government agents came down to her home. At thirteen, she was injected with Kaisoken dust, and entered the armed forces of the Ascendancy of Man. Ariel never lasted very long in whatever unit she was assigned to — or, perhaps it would be more accurate to say that the units she was assigned to never lasted very long. Time and time again, she watched as the boys and girls who she had only just gotten to know died. Sometimes the child soldiers were slowly whittled off, one by one. More often than not it was a single, swift action that annihilated the unit whole — save for Ariel. And even when her fellow children did survive, she was always transferred out of the lucky unit swiftly, as if some administrative clerk had nothing better to do but try and cause her misery. Would it be more accurate to call her Fortune’s favourite, or Fortune’s fool? That same fortune spared Ariel from sharing the grim fate of many at Proxima Centauri, as she happened to be out of action and missed the decisive battle. Under the terms of the peace treaty, she was handed over to the Rau’ve — and found out first-hand just how genuinely pleasant their ‘prison camps’ were. After release, she contemplated returning home for a while, but eventually set out to join this so-called rebel network, Moonstrike. After all, what child soldier wouldn’t hate the Ascendancy after what they had done? It was around this time that she ran across Ashton’s group of like-minded child soldiers and joined up with them. Looks like the Ascendancy is in for a whole new war. [b]Spell List:[/b] Séance (Underworld): Ariel may call upon a departed soul. The more recent their death, the less time and energy it takes, and the higher the rates of success. While the soul is capable of perceiving the world as it would have in life, it cannot be perceived or interacted with in any manner by any person or object save Ariel, and even she is only capable of conversation with the soul. Communication occurs telepathically, and does not require audible speech. Mind Trick (Mind): By making direct eye contact (no sunglasses or helmets) with someone, Ariel can give a simple command to a person, resisted by their willpower. If successful, the target carry out the suggestion as if they had always intended to do so, and will not notice anything strange about doing so. [b]Character Traits:[/b] Inquisitive Mind: At least the Ascendancy’s schooling system isn’t that bad, at least for top students. Ariel may not have all the answers, but she sure can find them if given the time and resources. Be it through instruction or self-directed exploration, she is always willing and capable of learning new knowledge and skills, and fast. Empath: Some people are open books. They wear their hearts on their sleeves, they’re easy to read, they have no filter. To Ariel, pretty much everyone’s an open book. She has no trouble at all discerning someone’s emotional state (and perhaps even take guesses at some of their thoughts!) just by observing and having a little chat. The knowledge of just what the right thing to say is, and how to say it, also comes naturally to her. It isn’t true mind magic, but it might be as close as you can get without Kaisoken dust. Whether you call it charm, charisma, or clairvoyance, Ariel’s aptitude in social encounters is undeniable. [/hider]