[centre] Clash Of Titans [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrk3y6SPLDU] [/centre] Snarnorgul hooted and howled as the stone struck home with a gratifying 'thud'. The force of the throw hurled the bear into the palisades -stake wall as the lesser races called it- smashing them asunder. The bear beast soon recovered from the surprise blow however, and then rose on its hind legs, towering over the walls as if they were hardly more than a low fence. It stood even taller than Snarnorgul‘s considerable size; Tanar'ri guessed that the creature outweighed him by a great deal. The bear certainly had Snarnorgul outclassed in size. But was he stronger? Snarnorgul would soon find out. If any of this daunted the colossal titan however, Snarnorgul did not show it. In fact he was beside himself with glee, anticipating the bloody battle too soon commence. He was now exiting the woods entering the more open farmland that surrounded the town. The battle was still raging on the town’s borders between the centaurs and blood elves. They gave way before Snarnorgul's charge however, and he crushed underfoot those who were not quick enough. He swung this way and that, sending centaurs, and the rare elf, into the air in his mad rage. He did not stop for any of them to pay them any heed, for now the bear had ceased is running and waited his fury! Mentally projecting his force in a great roar he announced his arrival. [i]'Make Way Mortals! Make way before the might of Snarnorgul! The Great and Terrible!'[/i] He boasted proudly for all those willing to hear. Even his mind voice was guttural and sounded as if it was full of malice and ill intent. [i]'The Gods have weighed the value of your loves and found it wanting! For behold! Disaster has come upon you!'[/i] His feet shook the ground with each footfall digging up clouts of dirt mixed with soil. Steam shot from his nostrils as saliva mixed with toxic acids flew away from his maw and dripped from his fangs. His eyes gleamed with a red fire, his muscles tensed as he sprinted forward. Snarnorgul bowed his head in the direction of his enemy, bearing his horns toward him, he made sure to clutch his chin close to his chest, a tactic to assure any impact would not cause his neck to snap. He would gore and maul this beast of the forest in his charge. He registered in the back of his mind that he might have been served better to soften up his foe from afar with more missles where he could find them. But Snarnorgul brushed aside such thoughts; a straight forward attack was all he would need. To feel each crash of claw on flesh, too feel the blood spill onto it's hide and horns. Both bear and Tanar'ri were no doubt terrifying images in the minds of onlookers all round. A wide birth had already been given to both combatants. By now the Tanar'ri was only several yards away. With every intent to use his gathered momentum for an earth shattering charge. He doubted the bear was agile enough to dodge him, but a agile foe might have sprung away in time. The bear had the weight advantage, but Snarnorgul had the running start. He would charge into Sukoh with the force of a locomotive. Seeking to barrel him the rest of the way into the town and hopefully into a building behind him. His long horns and tusk would no doubt deliver ugly wounds upon the great bear, how much this would harm it overall Snarnorgul could only guess. If the charge was checked, Snarnorgul already had his larger upper armed stationed on each side of his head too ward to block any blows forth coming.