[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/fWpmWD76/ba126c5312a21eb9b6823aa5d6245506.png[/img][/center] [center][color=6ecff6][h3][u]Winton[/u][/h3][/color][/center] Mikhail entered Faeril's room in silence as she spoke. Indeed, it was like she said. Until Fatima could confirm the bond she felt with Sybl, they could do absolutely nothing but to wait. That didn't meant that it wasn't risky though and Mikhail himself didn't like to work with assumptions. Either he trusted Sybl or he didn't. Thankfully, he wasn't going to be alone with Fatima. As Fatima changed subjects, asking about the requirement the old priestess talked about, Mikhail was starting to open his mouth to speak before Gennar started explaining to her. The moment he finished, it became clear due to Faeril's expression that she wasn't expecting that answer. [color=6ecff6]"Unfortunately, Faeril, it is as he said."[/color] Mikhail said with a heavy sigh, a clear indication that he was equally unsatisfied with the old priestess' requirements than Faeril was. [color=6ecff6]"The candle isn't the problem but... We can't afford to have that black jeweled warlord prince with us... At least not the way he is right now."[/color] he continued. [color=6ecff6]"Volatile, unpredictable, he is a black jeweled warlord prince that might not even feel the pull towards Fatima. He has absolutely no reason to be our ally, just like we have no reason to trust him. Convincing him to come with us will already be a problem and even if we do, it would be akin to walk around with a bomb that could explode at any moment..."[/color] he said with a serious tone. [color=6ecff6]"We need a very good measure to put him under [i]our[/i] control before we can even consider taking him. The risk would be too great if we don't."[/color] he finished, looking to Faeril in a manner that, despite his lack of words, suggested that she could be the one to create such 'leash' to keep SaDiablo under control.