[@PaulHaynek] Radiant’s felt aghast at the horrible appearance of the boy. She had never seen a person in such a bad shape who was still able to walk. Such an appearance sent chills down her spine. Was this the ultimate fate of those who could not manage their Originum infection? No, that could not be true. This had to be unnatural. In her years of working on Terra, escorting Medivac, this was the first time she'd seen someone in this advance of a stage. Radiant found herself gripping the arms of the catatonic woman, as if to reassure herself. “Medivac, what’s your diagnosis on this boy? I’ve never seen someone in such a horrible state. It’s almost as if they are falling apart, literally. Have you had any cases resembling this?” Radiant whispered with great concern. The old doctor shook his head. “I’ve seen my share of near terminal cases. But what I’m looking at here, it’s miraculous how the lad is alive. This boy is in no condition to look after this woman.” “On that I agree. Perhaps we can carry her to the main village. Come to think of it, maybe the others would know the way?” Radiant replied. Medivac nodded. “That’s an option for now but we still need information. I’m not sure if this lad can give us reliable information. He appears…regressive but he’s eager. Did you catch that part about the forest? How no one approaches it?” Radiant scowled angrily. “Yea, the forest. I’m not the superstitious type but it is the place where one of our own went missing. We just came out of the forest too. To think it could’ve been us.” “Let’s talk to the boy and see if we can get a better picture of what’s going on here,” Medivac replied. Medivac approached the boy and maintained a safe distance. He did not want to get to close to the boy, as the last thing he wanted to do was startle him. “His infection may have accelerated rapidly with what appears to be a lack of support from his parents. Most definitely, this boy is in an abusive relationship. Never mind his appearance, the state of his violin is another story on its own. Saving someone in such a state, would it be mercy instead to let them pass on? What is the best way to help this boy?” Medivac thought to himself. To see a child in such deplorable condition... “Lad, what’s your name? My team are here to help the locals and that includes you. Can you tell us a bit more about yourself? How you became like this? Where are the other locals? Perhaps you can tell us a bit more about the forest and your beloved.” “Hey!” Radiant interjected, “If you live around here, then maybe you know this gal I’m carrying? You know a spot where we can leave her safely behind? Her home burnt down."