[quote=Magic Magnum] Fair enough.The way I see it, an abortion is appropriate if it's a medical/life danger to the mother.But to argue a child should be aborted because whatever physical and mental illness they have can make life harder for them makes as much sense as the "Should abort them cause they may not be adopted" argument. It's also almost impossible to predict before birth if a child will be suffer mass mental damage like you ended off describing.Also, arguing mother mental damage simply opens the door for all abortion claims to be approved cause of the mental damage of having said abortion denied to the mother, therefore body violation.I really hate the gray nature of this topic?Pro-Choice and it means you're allowing children's lives to end before they even have a chance at life.Pro-Life and it means mothers are losing some of their bodily rights. [/quote] The main point of mine really was the life/death part. The other issues to me aren't strong reasons, and in many cases (like the mental example) I only meant it in cases where there are a combination of factors. And I agree, I don't think in many cases you can predict some problems before birth (especially within the early stages where abortions are typically conducted); that's why I used the terms 'moderate chance' and 'severity'. But like I said in the earlier post, I'm an advocate of welfare and social schemes to help parents and children.